[center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/wekde1cel/2000px_Captain_America_Shield_svg.png[/img][/center] For a second Bucky was taken aback that Stark knew about Stephanie but remembered reading that he'd been approached to be part of Dugan's Avengers Initiative. Stark had turned it down for some reason for another but that hadn't stopped him from using those suits of his for good. Things had changed since then, HYDRA was back, and Bucky wondered whether Fury might try to fire up the Initiative again. That was a discussion for another time. Right now it was about steadying the ship and stopping HYDRA from tearing the whole goddamn world apart. Bucky ignored the references that flew over his head, shrugging his shoulders as he looked at Stark. "I can't speak for Fury." "And as for Stephanie," Bucky paused for a moment as he wondered whether he ought to tell Stark. "She went rogue last night with Steve's shield and has fallen off the grid. Hence why you've spent your evening slaving over this thing. I'd ask you how it worked but something tells me you could explain it to me a hundred times and I still wouldn't understand." He saw a wry smile appear on Stark's face. For as much as Fury had made Stark sound like a pesk there was something about him that Bucky couldn't help but warm to. It was clear from looking at him that even though he thought highly of himself and had a [i]questionable[/i] sense of humour to say the least, his heart was clearly in the right place. Why else would he be here when he didn't have to be?