[hr] [b][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RdDKbep.jpg[/img][/center][/b] [hr][center][h3][b]March 20th, 2005[/b][/h3][/center] [center][b]The Triskelion (8:48 PM / 2048 MT)[/b][/center] [color=6C88A6]"Your file says you have some... suits, was it? What say you put one of those suit things on and see whether this shield you designed is going to get me killed or not. Better to find out now than later when I'm in the field, right?"[/color] Tony Stark couldn’t be smiling any wider. Not only did he do SHIELD’s job for them with the video decryption, build a better and more modern shield for the new Captain America, but now he had just been offered a chance to test his own work against his own suit. The hard light shield was a scientific marvel that ran on the same arc reactor technology that powered his life and by proxy the ‘Iron Man’ suit. He was incredibly thrilled with how this night was going even if he couldn’t help but think this american standard was goading him on. [color=853333]“It’s on like Donkey Kong, Cap.”[/color] His eyes glanced over to the briefcase he had brought with him that contained his suit for inevitable ‘just in case’ scenarios— the case itself leaning against the terminal where they had finished up the prototype shield. [color=853333]“Pitz. Can you show us one of those fancy simulation-training room thingamajigs?”[/color] [color=tan]“Of course.”[/color] This was exciting. He had fought super-powered terrorists and the one scuffle with Rhodes when a little misunderstanding went south, but he had never fought another ‘hero’, not yet anyway, and for his first experience with that to be against the Captain America felt empowering; as if everyone doing good wasn’t as important as him, reaffirming his place at the top of the metaphorical superhero food chain. Agent Fitz led the two down several corridors and into an elevator to a sublevel that contained a large room CADMUS tended to use as an experimentation and training room; a room that Mockingbird, Agent 13, Wasp, and a plethora of other agents had been in many times before. [color=853333]“Fancy.”[/color] He looked to the hero beside him, [color=853333]“You sure you don’t want to cancel? It’s okay to be scared.”[/color]