[@TheHangedMan] [hider=Exam] "Meruin Hazy, any relation to [b]mer[/b]lin? Hmph no matter, I guess I'm supposed to inform you about your exam. Yours should be suitably challenging for you, at least by the end of it." A lazy voice resounded throughout the cave. Somehow in the blink of an eye the darkness in front of her turned into a storming plateau. Driving rain, lightning strikes, boulders rolled across it generated from seemingly nowhere, even somehow several walls of fire ran across it. "Eh just cross that and you'll arrive at the next part. Do be careful now, though you're not in any real danger your score is." the voice was decidedly disinterested as though it had done this a thousand times before.[/hider] [@OlCharlieBoi][hider=Exam] “Oh interesting.” A voice purred as Charles began crossing the gap. “As I said the first test was easy, simply to test your way of thinking.” Suddenly the walls vanished and Charles fell into blackness. “This one should be be more challenging of your skills.” Charles landed on a treadmill running at a fast jogging pace, behind it a pit, only this one was full of spikes if one got close enough to look. “I think this one was called the deathrun, for obvious reasons.” the feminine voice called out as Charles gained his footing. “Like last time, simply make it to the end, and try not to die.” It seemed he was in some sort of infernal factory, up ahead he could see all sorts of strange contraptions, all sorts of strange noises, and it was scorching hot on top of that. The first one thing he would have to pass was a couple of machines shooting oil onto the treadmill, it seemed they had started recently as the oily track was only now starting to reach him. Past that there was a literal wall of fire in the way. What's more Charles could the treadmill he was on was enclosed by some sort of transparent material, it didn’t look like he could just fly over his problems. Directly above him he could see no sign of the hole he must’ve come through. One had to wonder what normally came through here. “Have fun.” the voice cried out cheerily.[/hider] [@Shikaru][hider=Exam] "Arcadius hm, it seems your first test will be something that you may not be used to." The cave flashed with light and when Arcadius could see clearly again it appeared he was on some sort of high school track, coach included. The fairly portly middle aged man explained things to him, "Your first challenge is rather simple, a track meet. You have been entered into the mile, four laps, the 100 meter hurdles, 1/4 lap, and the shot-put. Complete these in any order you deem fit. After that you will move on to the next part of the test. Any questions? If not then get to work!" [/hider] [@yukisaa][hider=Exam] "Nova Terra, You deal with the raw form of mana itself? Interesting," The voice commented as she walked through the cave. It opened into a forest with sort of golem in the middle of a clearing. The golem stood about 8 feet tall and was rather ominous looking, it seemed to be compromised of mostly dirt. The voice once again rang out from seemingly everyone at once, "Your exam will simply be to do your best to try to defeat it." If Nova had keen enough eyes or senses she would detect that there wasn't anything living within 5 meters of the golem, as it stood up and began slowly stomping towards her she could feel the mana in the area slowly being sapped into the Golem.[/hider] [@JELDare][hider=Exam] Slick entered into a fairly dark room, the only source of light was a large amount of moss, several types in fact that shone with every conceivable color creating a dazzling display of light. The only object of note in the otherwise strangely smooth room was a pool of silver-like material that was pooled in the middle, the light from the moss pooling and mixing within it. As Slick walked in the pool rippled and a noise came from it, “Ah, another human come to play with.” it said excitedly and rose from the floor in an indefinite amorphous shape. Its ripples seemed to correspond with the noises it made. An eyeball appeared and surveyed Slick, a few moments passed and the strange creature morphed until its form was the same as Slicks, but still silver. Seconds later a waterfall of colors spread from the center of the mass and it became an exact replica of Slick, size and color. “Well, let's play then visitors go first.” the replica called out, bowing briefly before returning to critically analyzing Slick.[/hider]