Kingdom of Anvegad January 1836 "Murelia." Grumbled the young king of Anvegad, standing at the head of the meeting room table where his collected ministers of the inner council stood huddled around the maps and charts whilst wrapped in thick mantles despite the heat of the fireplace in the room. The winter was cold, this one particularly so. Yet the wheels of politics and nations continued to turn, however slowly. "Its relevance, Supreme Commander? We cannot permit these rebels to usurp the rightful rule of their king." "Marginal sir." Replied Supreme Commander Petrovski, who took the cold with his usual stoic bearing (and several layers beneath his fur cloak) as the rest of the table turned towards him for guidance on the matter than their King, "Our reliance on Murelian gold is lessened thanks to your enlightened insight into industrial affairs, and the conflict is simply too distant to be worth attempting a campaign in support of either side during winter. The logistics of the situation cannot be ignored nor its scale. Yet we must make our own statement on this matter in support of their rightful king. If we cannot send an force in form, perhaps support in spirit will suffice to put new strength in the king's loyal followers." "In what manner, Supreme Commander?" Inquired the Minister of Coin, already frowning at potential cost especially at the time of winter. An expression the Supreme Commander almost enjoyed as he worked to phrase his statement properly. "The Murellian Blackcoats have a few officer cadets within our academy. And for all their expertise in formations to match our own, their organizational and logistical expertise is sorely lacking. I propose we send these cadets home bearing our message of support for the King of Murellia along with a gift of several of our military manuals to assist them in this regard." "A gift with a little meat to it, I like it." Smirked Adrian. "That should put a nice dent into whoever really instigated this revolt." "You suspect foreign intervention my lord?" Asked the Foreign Minister, with carefully calculated shock for the King's pleasure. "Of course! How could these mongrel commons come up with this revolution to begin with? Let alone gain guns and will to go up against the Blackcoats? We must find out who is really behind this 'von Luck' man. I leave you to handle it. Now if that is all, I have regular audiences to return to. It seems this winter's cold has caused a spark of invention, and some of their ideas seem quite practical-sounding for a change." "Indeed. Return to your duties sire, we shall handle the triffling remaining matters of the situation in Murellia on your behalf." Saluted the Supreme Commander as the King was led out of the room back to the great hall. As soon as the door closed, he returned to the assembled men around the table with a more serious expression. "Now gentlemen, I believe we have more serious business to speak of than this matter of rebellion. Starting with this damn coal shortage. This cold is intolerable, and we need to begin rebuilding the military industrial reserve. I propose we start by expanding the criminal labor draft...... Summary The Kingdom of Anvegad sends a message of support to the King of Murella, its prayers, and a number of military manuals via returned Blackcoat cadets.