[hider=Hey ever heard the joke about a jester and a ogre] Name: Lilly The Silly Jester Age: Ageless (But has been sentient for about twenty years now) Sex: Female Persona Race: Wandering Scarecrow Class: Jester Alignment: Chaotic Good Appearance: A tall woman made out of straw, there are strands of rope that act as hair, Lilly always wears a mask that resembles a smiling woman with sharp teeth below that she wears a Red,Blue,Yellow jester outfit with bells and all. but the most noticeable feature of her outfit is her gloves, Boots and cape which only reaches her thighs, there made out of lantern silk so they gives off an ethereal light-blue glow Equipment: A simple Dagger with a chain attached to the hilt, she also has a wrist mounted hidden Crossbow Skills: Perform (Act and String Instruments), Tumble, Intimidate, Gather Information. Balance Harlequin’s Mask (Ex): As long as a Jester’s face is painted, masked, or adorned in the manner of a harlequin or other comedic figure, he is immune to compulsion effects. Poison Use (Ex): A Jester may prepare, apply, and use poison without any chance of poisoning himself. Ignore Components: A Jester may cast spells from the Jester list without using material components, unless they cost more than or equal to 1000 gp. This has no effect on any spells that a Jester casts from any other spell-list. Power Slide (Ex): If a Jester takes damage from an attack, he may allow himself to be flung backwards, thereby lessening the impact. He may make a balance check with a DC equal to the damage inflicted and if she succeeds, he suffers only half damage. This is a skill check, not a Saving Throw, so abilities such as Evasion do not apply. He is moved away from the source of damage by 5' for every 5 points of damage (or part there of) negated in this way. If there is not enough space for him to move, he suffers a d6 of damage for each square not moved. If he passes through an occupied square provoking AoO, the Jester would have to make a tumble check to avoid any attacks of opportunity, following the rules of tumble. Slapstick (Ex): any successful sneak attack also inflict a -2 Dex penalty to an enemy for one round. Tricky Hands (Sp): the Jest has mastered Sleight of Hand and may produce any non-magical weapon from thin air as a quick action. Any enemy that can see your hands get to roll a Spot Check versus your Sleight of Hand, if they succeed this ability fails Prat Fall (Ex): any time a Jester strikes an enemy with a sneak attack, the Jester can make a free Trip attack that does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity. This ability cannot be used on any one enemy more than once a round. The Jester may not be tripped if this fails, and it may be used with ranged sneak attacks. The Jester may substitute his Dexterity modifier for his Strength modifier for the opposed test to trip his foe. Natural Abilities: Living Construct (Has no need for food, sleep or even breathing ) Sentinel Watcher (as stated above she doesn’t sleep so instead she becomes inactive for four hours but is fully aware of surroundings) Horror Gaze (She stares into her enemy’s eyes, Which fills them with so much fear that they freeze in place (Cannot be activated while wearing her mask) Magic/Spells: Touch of Idiocy (With a Single touch Lilly can reduce her opponent’s Mental Facilities) Hideous Laughter (This spell afflicts the subject with uncontrollable laughter. It collapses into gales of manic laughter, falling prone. The subject can take no actions while laughing, but is not considered helpless. After the spell ends, it can act normally.) Shrink Item (self-explanatory) Additional Information: She keeps her Instruments in her pocket Personality: Lilly is armed with eternal curiosity which might cause problems to those around her, as she has a short attention span and as such will focus on one thing then quickly have her attention stolen by something else. Another thing as jester she is someone who constantly jokes around even in life or death situations she also surprisingly naïve on how the world function Backstory: Some twenty years ago Lilly was scarecrow created by an evil elf wizard, to act as hindrance to Heroes but she never fulfilled this role because her master died before the heroes arrival, her master died thanks to a miscast so when heroes arrived all they found was dead wizard and a wandering Scarecrow, so with their jobs essentially done the heroes quickly grabbed whatever treasure could be found and this included her (she was taken by an ogre jester) she was essentially adopted by the ogre who thought her how to be jester [/hider]