Hello reader! Okay, so, I've been a fan of Digimon since... well, since I knew what it was, which has been for a while. It's just something that never seemed to loose concept for me, know what I mean? Like it never seemed too simple or too "childish" or silly. Anyway, I've been pondering hosting a Digimon roleplay for a while now, and well, it seems that in the Advanced section there's a bit me player/writer investment, from the bit I've noticed. Speaking of noticed, I've also noticed a distinct lack of any mention of Digimon in the interest checks up here, so, I figured I'd give it a shot since I don't have much competition (haha), and I figure the rp is more likely to last here maybe. Or at least get somewhere. So, I don't have one specific idea, but multiple ideas/starting points, one of which has more of a pre-established plot, but all have the potential to be equally player-driven. My ideas are as follows (along with an idealized player count): 1. A plot in which the children/teens/characters of the human variety become, through methods unknown to them, partnered with Digimon whose personalities don't simply match or mesh with that of their partners', but instead, clash or feed off of one another for negative effect. Eg: Should a character have issues with taking unnecessary risks, their Digimon partner would typically encourage them to take more risks. The point of this concept is to see if the characters stand or fold against the pressure, as well as the potentially disastrous situation which they were called to alleviate, and whether they accept, repair, or give in to their faults. This concept can be combined with other ideas, or used a its own scenario. (Players: Min-4 Max-7?) 2. This is merely a concept to start off, and can be combined with either the above plot/concept, or another plot that is deemed usable by the conglomerate of players and myself. The idea involves a multi-reality situation in which the Digital World and Real World exist in parallel with multiple other planes of existence. Specifically, that the Digital World draws from a fantasy based reality as its "Real World" for a source of champions. The level of fantasy and ability of these champions will be discussed at a later date, but I intend for different 'races', such as elves, dwarves, etc., to be usable options.(Players: Min-3 Max~6) 3. This idea is more of a plot than the other two. It involves the group being specifically chosen for a certain goal- mainly to assemble the Royal Knights of legend to protect the Digital World. These Digimon will have been generated by a mysterious organization within the Digital World, who will be involved in future events, and there will be a few forces at work within the story aside from the main team. With this plot I could basically construct a time line, but it's a bit intensive, and would require a very specific situation for the players, and certain character options may need to be reconsidered, but I won't step on anyone's toes really, and the rules for it will be apparent before characters are made. And even though all the Royal Knights have technically been defined, we don't need them all. And, more importantly, the cannon Knights don't NEED to be the Mega Form that's used by players. They just have to be "Knight enough".(Players: Min-5 Max~13) (Playing multiple characters will be both allowed, and encouraged, as long as one person isn't dominating the rp.) 4. This idea would involve a continent of the Digital World having been overtaken by dark forces, and the heroes would need to band together with local resistance fighters and take back the land one territory at a time. This would have more of a military aspect, but each player will not be a general with their own army.(Players: Min-4 Max-8) 4b. A variation of the above, wherein each human character empowers one Digimon with different attributes, similar to the Crests and Armor Level Digimon that have been established in the series. Mainly I want to see how the characters interact with this one, and how the players/player characters choose to handle the choices as to how they fight.(Players: Min-3 Max-6) That being said, other ideas are welcome, and may be created myself and added at a later point. I usually like to know what people think about ideas, and I try to be receptive of other ideas, which I will generally accept, unless they contradict with something that I intend to occur, or that has already been established. That being said: I'm willing to work it out. Oh, and I have no problems with fan-made Digimon, as long as they aren't over-powered, or too close to existing Digimon to the point of feeling cheap. (Cheapness also comes in the form of every form above the Rookie stage having the Rookie's name in it, unless it's like Veemon, because V stands for Victory! Okay, that was mainly things seeming un-inspired, but hey, maybe my ideas would seem uninspired to some of you, so easy come easy go?) Still here? Great! Questions? Ask. Suggestions? Awesome. Need help understanding something? I'd be glad to explain!