(WIP) If I need to change anything you disapprove of, I will do so without a problem, this is just generally what I really want to start out with. This will likely by my set-up throughout most of the game, aside from what I am hoping to do with my Character from a Personal Story point. --- In Real Life Name: Eric Napier Age:20 Bio: (Pending.) Appearance: [hider= Appearance][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d0/d5/59/d0d559b8206c4b7c83d7d20fbff85916.jpg[/img][/hider] In Game Character Name: Rorik Race: Nordic Human Blood trait: Son of the Snow: As a Nordic Human, Rorik natually gains affinity for many talents revolving around Alpine, Tundra, and other harsh, colder regions. As well as a few passives pertaining to things within those regions, most of which are about surviving the land. They revolve around knowing the land, the animals within it, and the plants that grow there. His race can survive these conditions better than any other race. Appearance: [hider= Appearance][img]https://tribzap2it.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/alexander-ludwig-vikings-history.jpg?w=900&h=400[/img] [img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/8db3/th/pre/i/2015/104/2/2/red_knight___the_beastmaster_by_joshcorpuz85-d8po7sf.jpg[/img][/hider] Equipment:(Image Above: Weapon Not included. I will name and detail the Armor once I have the information for Equipment.) Companion: Nalia the Snow-Dusted Tusk Lion(Appearance above.)