[@Eklispe] [hider=Meruin Hazy's Exam] Meruin stared in amazement at the forces allayed before her. Even as her examiner began the explanation of her trial, the small mage looked around her, her attention captured by her surroundings. Slowly, a smile crept its way on her face, until a full-blown grin came to life, transforming Meruin Hazy's seemingly emotionless persona into something unrecognizable; the smile she had given Arcadius earlier was nothing compared to this radiant one - the two were as incomparable as dark and light. The utter wonder and joy on her face betrayed any sort of notion that she was now confronting a dangerous trial. "This is amazing," she breathed. Her eyes darted up and down, staring at the plateau, the fires that surrounded it, the rocks and lightning the were followed by thundering crashes. "How did they manage this? Did they transport me using the rune to a yet undiscovered area, or perhaps to a personalized dimension? Am I even in the physical world any more? Did I actually get [i]transported[/i]? Perhaps this is all in my head . . . amazing, simply amazing." Meruin muttered her questions under her breath in awed, curious tones. Kneeling down, Meruin began drawing runes on the ground, runes meant to simply project her upwards by a few meters. Once in the air, she took stock of her surroundings, her eye keenly absorbing all the details of the plateau before her. Drawing a magic circle in the air with her fingers, Meruin gripped the construct at the center, turning it as though it were a door and her hands were the key. The markings inside of the circle disappeared completely, opening way into what looked like the inside of a trunk. Meruin snapped her hands, and from inside flew two books, one red and one blue, taking their place at her left and right. "Everything, record [i]everything[/i]." In response to her command, the books flipped open, and their pages began glowing as words and diagrams imprinted themselves on their surfaces. Her exam all but forgotten, Meruin's smile never left her face. If she could, she would have stayed all day in here. [/hider] [hr] [@xXSINXx] [hider=Ava Rayne's Exam] [color=ed1c24]"Follow her!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Find her!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"WHERE ARE YOU MISS?!"[/color] The thousands of pixies flew about in small clusters, eyes and wings twitching excitedly about as they searched for their target. Doubtlessly, they were not the most intelligent of creatures, and asides from staying in formation, simply flew in random patterns. What made up for their lack of intelligence, however, was their numbers. [color=ed1c24]"Found her! Found her!" [/color] A small cluster cried out with multiple voices, instantly drawing the attention of all the other pixies. Each and every one of them stared at the small hole Ava had crept into. With gleeful cries, the whole heard swarmed into the hole, their bodies glowing with intense heat as they did so. The hole Ava had crawled into had now become an oven in an almost literal sense. The pixies shoved and pushed each other out of the way in an uncoordinated mess, but surely enough, they were rapidly approaching Ava's position. [color=ed1c24]"Tag her, tag her, tag her!"[/color] [/hider] [hr] [@MagusDream] [hider=Agni "Flare" Blackheart] Time - a fairly subjective term. Though everyone exists on a predetermined frame of movement, the perception of that movement differs from person to person; for one person, the day could have gone by quickly, while for another, the day could have been all too long. Time as a magic is no different, for though everyone shares an awareness of what Time could do when applied as a magic, there are differing opinions on how it can be used. To we control it, grasping the threads of 'when' and replacing it with our own vision? Is it predetermined, such that we simply borrow a 'true' awareness of a sorts, in order to use that understanding to our advantage? Or is it something else? Perhaps all our preconceptions about Time are wrong, and that we have never truly understood its nature, let alone controlled it in any form. Regardless, there are still some who ignore the definitions and theory's, simply doing as they felt. Like - [i][b][color=a36209]"You, Agni Blackheart, known as 'Flare', friend of Cruz, King of Technomages."[/color][/b][/i] An ancient, thunderous voice boomed out, and in the blink of an eye, Agni's surroundings changed. Where once he stood on a cave, was now an ancient hall, filled with old and cracked pillars. What was once a grand reception hall, now stood decrepit and in disarray. In between the massive and tall pillars that held the a roof that stretched to the sky, were stone statues of creatures indescribable. Each and everyone of them were sculptures that depicted monsters of epic proportions. Individually, they all looked different; some had horns, others, wings. Some were dressed in armors of natural hide, while others were covered in thick scales. At the very end of the hall, in the center, the place of honor, towered a statue more massive than the rest. It was so massive, that an opening in the roof was created for where it stood, as it reached well past the confines of the ancient hall. From top to bottom, the massive stone statue was over seventy meters in length. It looked like the mixture of man and castle, as though a giant had decorated itself in trappings of towers and buttresses. Its head moved. [i][b][color=a36209]"You who belong in a place unrelated to this. Why have you come? Why do you think you can stay?"[/color][/b][/i] Its voice echoed resoundingly across the walls of the ancient hall, reverberating across the floor and ceiling, powerful and unable to be ignored. [color=a36209][i][b]"For you who wishes to exist in that which is unrelated to you, a task from me is only most fitting."[/b][/i][/color] The ground shook, and suddenly, another statue rose from the earth. Unlike the other, gargantuan statues, this one was human in size. In fact, the statue was [i]of[/i] a human, a human who eerily resembled someone Agni knew . . . [i][b][color=a36209]"This is Cruz Meister. Not a construct, not an illusion; he is well and truly the King of the Technomages - only, not as you know him. He is a man from a different place, a different time. In him, events played out differently. He is not the last of the Technomages; he grew up among them, and though his mother and father still perished, he and the rest of his race remained. To the Technomages, he is a beloved king and renowned hero who saved their race from extinction. "To others, however, he is a demon in human form. To you specifically, you are his rival; his sworn enemy after he eradicated your family and lover. In him, the world was dominated by the Technomages, and all lived under their rule. "You, who wishes to change things not related to you, affect things unrelated to you, see and feel that which is unrelated to you, this is your task: I bring before you the tyrant who dominated the world, the Consul of the Technomages, Cruz Meister, as he was when he was at your age; weaker than his prime, yet, still strong, for he had guidance that your never had.[/color][/b][/i] [color=a36209][i][b]"You must end his life to proceed. Fail this, and you will be trapped here forevermore."[/b][/i][/color] Suddenly, the statue of Cruze cracked, the stone falling to the floor and revealing flesh underneath. With a jerk, all the pieces of stone fell off, and Cruz Meister of an alternate time opened his eyes. [color=00a651]"Where am I . . . ?"[/color] [/hider] [hr] [@The ghost in black] [hider=Aleksandra "Hound" Galino's Exam] The two Titans kept up their brawl, scarcely noticing Aleksandra's approached. So intense was their focus on each other that even when Aleksandra ran towards the Titan, they had yet to pay her any mind. That is, until Aleksandra had tackled the foot of the Silver Titan. With a massive groan of metal, the Titan's foot buckled for a moment, causing it to be unable to defend against the incoming swing of its opponent, who froze in surprise. It did not expect that blow to actually connect. It was through this confusion that it spotted Aleksandra at the foot of its foe, and suddenly, everything became clear. With a roar, the Golden Titan charged towards Aleksandra, even as the Silver Titan began rising again, more affected by the blow of the Golden Titan than by Aleksandra's tackle.[/hider] [hr] [@WittyWolf] [hider=Azrael Arcana's Exam] The Golem stared at Azrael in the sky, its body completely still. If one did not know any better, it could be mistaken for a huge statue. The gouge on its arm that Azrael created was healing. The process was very, [i]very[/i] slow, but nonetheless, the 'wound' began closing up. Suddenly, the Golem disappeared into a nearby cluster of trees, leaving Azrael's field of vision and staying within them for a few silent moments. Then, the trees came flying. One after another, foliage was ripped right down from their roots and hurtled into the air with frightening accuracy and speed, each and every one of them heading straight for Azrael. [/hider] [hr] [@Zetsuko] [hider=Kieran Altaaya's Exam] [i]Fo[/i] the fairy blinked in surprise. [color=fff79a]"Oh my, that's fairly simple for an Eldritch. Strange of you to go with the simple solution first, but good, good. At the very least, you're on the right track. Still, that door isn't simply going to open. It's locked, as you can see."[/color] Indeed, no matter what Kieran did, the door did not open. There was no response, no trigger. It simply remained as so. Meanwhile, the Eldritch horrors that swam through the darkness began moving in closer. Moving in a spiral pattern, they carefully observed Kieran's every move. [/hider] [hr] [@Aisling] [hider=Agatha Merriweather Pendragon's Exam] Din titled his head in confusion. [i][color=a36209]"I don't know what you mean,"[/color][/i] his raspy voice echoed, sounding amused. [i][color=a36209]"To me, this world is beautiful. A world of decay, a world of ends. Perhaps, to you, that is terrible but to me, it is paradise. That cannot be helped - it is simply a difference in perspective. You are a creature of flesh. I am not. Why should I care for your way of living?"[/color][/i] Din stood up, and spread his arms wide, gesturing to the world around them. [color=a36209][i]"Perhaps, this is what this is. Your belief against mine. Your world in conflict with another. It cannot be helped - difference in opinion will always be irreconcilable. It will always lead to conflict. If so, try; try and destroy my world, see if you can. I doubt you do; you lack the power to do so."[/i][/color] Meanwhile, as Agatha's emotions shifted and rain fell, the gears stopped moving. As abruptly as they stopped, however, they began moving, just as the rain disappeared in a flash of lightning. [/hider]