[hr] [b][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RdDKbep.jpg[/img][/center][/b] [hr][center][h3][b]March 20th, 2005[/b][/h3][/center] [center][b]The Triskelion (9:21 PM / 2121 MT)[/b][/center] [color=6C88A6]"Show me what that suit of yours is really capable of."[/color] Tony Stark couldn’t exactly be mad at the results thus far and with both men just now getting warmed up in this unofficial-field-testing-turned-sparring-match things were bound to get interesting. But then came more goading from America’s favorite patriot and Tony wasn’t too happy about getting the same type of bits that he had given others in the past. Tony’s smirk dropped underneath the faceplate and warped into an annoyed scowl. [color=853333]“Oh, I’ll show you.”[/color] As the two kept fighting the ten minutes of testing had turned nearly into a half-hour of going back and forth with one another. But Tony was too distracted (and didn’t really care considering he had nowhere to be at the moment) to look at his internal clock that blared [b]9:58[/b] in bold numbers. As Tony was finally ready to get ‘serious’ and stop ‘playing around’ the simulator lights dimmed as the doors they had entered swung open. [b][color=5E6376]“IRON MAN. CAPTAIN AMERICA.”[/color][/b] Tony recognized the voice— Maria Hill. [color=853333]“Uh oh.”[/color] [b][color=5E6376]“This nonsense is [i]over[/i]!”[/color][/b] Tony wasn’t a fan of lectures and he knew getting one from the acting agent-in-charge that answered [i]directly[/i] to Nick Fury was probably a bad thing. A sense of comical nervousness came over Tony as Captain America responded directly to Agent Hill first. At least Tony would get yelled at [i]second[/i] instead of first. Thank god for Captain America and his habit of taking bullets. And Maria Hill looked like she was good at shooting bullets.