[center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/wekde1cel/2000px_Captain_America_Shield_svg.png[/img][/center] Maria Hill glowered in Tony and Bucky's direction from the doorway of the simulation room. Where this morning she had been a picture of serenity, now Hill had a ferocious look on her face that had Stark quaking in his metal boots. Bucky had been around men like Maria Hill his entire life, though he'd never met a woman like her, and as such the intensity that bled out of her had less of an effect on him than it had Stark. He took a few steps towards her and raised the arc shield in her direction with a smile. "Relax, Agent Hill, I was just making sure Stark's shield was ready for the field." "You can call this little dick measuring contest whatever you want," Maria Hill said with a derisive head shake. Bucky could tell by the way she looked at Stark that she had a low opinion of him. "Smiley has been waiting for you in his office for twenty minutes. There's been a situation." Bucky sighed. "[i]Another[/i] one?" Maria Hill's eyes narrowed a little at the comment but otherwise she was statue still with her hands stuck to her hips. They had filled Bucky in this morning on George Smiley's de facto promotion to Deputy Director of SHIELD. He was a Brit, former MI6, and the word around town was that he was the complete antithesis of Nick Fury. A softly-spoken, old fashioned spymaster that relied on the pen rather than the sword. "Looks like duty calls," Bucky said to Stark as he gestured towards the exit. "It was nice meeting you, Tony, and I have to say that suit of yours is every bit as impressive as they say." He extended his hand towards Stark and smiled warmly. "We should do this again sometime."