Both fights turned to their conclusion, he had only been here for what seemed like a few minutes. These dreamers really knew their stuff when it came to finding killers, maybe one of these might actually be fun. The first fight concluded with a storm of swords that materialized from fog, and the second left off on a cliffhanger. Was there a time limit? Maybe the last fight ends when the second to last does. Whatever the case was, he couldn't tell the clear victor of that match. It left him dissatisfied and grumpy, with a little frown crossing his face. Just before he started pouting, however, Shin heard a knock at the door. With a start, he turned his head rather quickly to spot a woman with just one large eye in the center of her head. Interesting, they send the One-Eyed servant woman to [i]my[/i] door. [color=bc8dbf]"Cute."[/color] It might have been easily misconstrued that Shin was talking about the woman, however, it was sarcasm aimed at the notion that they should send a One-Eyed woman to him. She spoke of the next round and how it was beginning, which was unfortunate, he still didn't know who his next opponent was. Damn shame really, maybe a bit of posturing or asking about how they fight. Seeing their personality and what-not. Honestly he just hoped he wouldn't have to deal with that Dogman. Going apeshit over a Katana would probably shift the battle in a way that wouldn't be pleasant for anybody involved. Whatever the case may be, Shin was ready for his fight. [color=bc8dbf]"I'm assuming it's just like before? Where I think of battle and head off?"[/color] This was, of course, the case. As he closed his eye and thought of battle, immediately he was transported to the battlefield from the room he had been placed in.