[center][b][u]The Republic of Cuba[/u][/b] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQVhYrLUG7-0ZRDdy9KrKY-s6yApCPJ65pm7aPk1rBNplcm0CfRGw[/img][/center] [b][u]El Acusador. Issue 8. January 1st, 1950[/u][/b] [Translated to English] Two days prior, Revolutionary Forces loyal to the cause of overthrowing the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista successfully stormed the city of Santa Clara, in the Villa Clara Province. Led by Comandante Che Guevara and Comandante Camilo Cienfuegos, the brave revolutionaries won the freedom of Santa Clara in a hard fought battle. Startled by this news, our dictator President Batista has fled the country in fear for his life. While our rightful leaders fight for your freedom, the criminal puppets flee for their own safety, refusing to stand trial for their crimes! Every day, government forces abandon their posts and fight for our cause, strengthening us with numbers and spirit. The Capital lies in plain sight, its defenders nowhere in sight. Your support and your hope has overthrown this dictator, the people have succeeded in freeing ourselves from tyranny! Commander in Chief Fidel Castro rides for Havana today, his forces planning to occupy the Capital within the next few days. Vicente Chávez, Editor. [center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/CheLaCoubreMarch.jpg/280px-CheLaCoubreMarch.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]La Habana, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba[/u][/b] [b]January 2nd, 1950[/b] The city, diralect in its impoverished state, seemed to come alive for the first time in years. As forces loyal to Fidel Castro moved into the city, the people cheered on the streets as the victory march proceeded towards the Capital. On every corner, Rebels held soldiers and Batista loyalists at gunpoint. Soon the contents of the prisons would be changed from rebels to loyalists, the balance of power shifting almost overnight. Upon the route's security, Fidel Castro and his company of Comandante Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos approached [i]El Capitolio[/i]. The reception was mixed, pockets of loyalist resistance still fighting in the fringes of the city. However, as the Rebel cause had seemingly won, support for the cause picked up in epic proportions. Dismounting from the jeep, Fidel Castro smiled at the sight of the Capital building. Waving for the photographers, he traversed his way up the heavily guarded steps to power. In his mind, reforms were already beginning to simmer; some of which would surely shock the world. As the country's new Prime Minister, it soon would be time for Cuba to be launched into a new era. He'd long since prepared a speech for this moment, one akin to "History Will Absolve Me". Knowing full well the risks of being exposed in such a volatile city, Fidel retreated to the bowels of the capital until full security was ensured. [b][Footnote][/b] *Basically, I'm moving the events of the Cuban Revolution back a few years with assent of the GM. I'll be roleplaying divergence from the timeline soon after, though the events of the Cuban revolution stay true with history. If this does not please someone, please feel free to PM me and we'll work it out to the best possible way. The writing may not be superb, but I've been trying to compress 4 hours of research into a readible form. (It'll get better, I promise!)