[quote=@GreivousKhan] [@Aristo][@Darkmatter] So for the western currency, I'm thinking Dragon Head Coins, which are minted maybe in Vrent mostly as it has the mines. It might run down to looking something like this. [list] [*] Farthing 1 copper coins worth [*] Halfshield 5 copper coins worth [*] Shield 1 silver coins worth [*] Groat 25 copper coins worth [*] Tower 5 silver coins worth [*] Blood 1 gold coins worth [*] Lily 2 gold coins worth [*] Eye 100 gold coins worth [/list] Just the rough idea so far, feel free to add or change or give feedback. [/quote] I approve the idea but don't understand the reference system. Monetary systems should be self referential and refer to other denominations (copper,gold, silver) after. Or are you saying for example 2 gold coins are called a Lilly, not that a Lilly is a coin equivalent elsewhere to two gold coins? MAP UPDATE [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/8441/f/2015/266/3/f/fvv_by_exan666-d9ans1l.png[/img]