[quote=@The Slenderman] "[color=c4df9b]Hey, Don't I know you from somewhere.[/color] Akkina said to the lady and kept on smiling but kept about five steps away in case the lady was a nutcase and tried to attack her, but judging from her stature, Akkina knew she wasn't a fighter so she loosened her body and extended her hand to her. [/quote] Emilia was startled by Akkina's voice. She hated that she startled so easily, but she tried to compose herself. [color=7bcdc8]"Ehm... I can't say that I recognize you, actually... Wait, maybe I did..."[/color] Emilia looked Akkina up and down. [color=7bcdc8]"Yes, aren't you that girl who had all those swords and things when I walked out of the pawn shop? Sorry about bumping into your shoulder, I just had to get away from that creepy jester...thing. He tried to give me a death rose, can you believe that?"[/color] Emilia suddenly realized that she hadn't spoken this much to another person since the last time she had met with all of her friends and then clammed up. She looked down again, noticed Akkina's extended hand and mumbled [color=7bcdc8]"Yeah, it's uh... nice to meet you."[/color] Emilia decided to make a measured effort to not look so awkward and tried loosening up a little bit. It didn't help. [color=7bcdc8]"So, uh... Just... wanted to say hello then?"[/color]