[quote=@Darcs] Grammatical consistency is something that is entirely irrelevant, and only exists because people believe in it's importance. When viewed with any significant historical lens, it's clear that language is constantly evolving. It isn't something that should be guided by pre-established rules of grammar that stifle creativity and the creation of new words and ways in which one can better frame your own ideas. Taking into consideration that words are merely tools (MEMES) to deliver certain packets of information quickly and efficiently in any given context, grammar becomes even less relevant. Especially on the internet. And double especially with cherries in this context. "..Post if Your Depressed" Delivers a very clear message in this colloquial setting-- one should post in this there if you fit one of two conditions: 1) You are the user Depressed 2) You fit into some definition of the medical condition of depression-- and I would go so far as to argue it'd be apropos to to have 'Your' be 'Ur.' Also, ur only reason that ellipses shouldn't be 4 or 2 dots is subjective..... I bet u don't even spam Oxford commas. [/quote] Yeeea, fuck dat prescriptivism