Hello :) ( Open- seeking 2 partners ) My name is Andastra ! However, i'm sure you already are aware of that so i will get past the pleasantries. I am looking for a male role play partner , whom is seeking a long term partner. A few things you should know about me before we start this whole wonderful journey of creation. I SUCK at spelling, thank the heavens for auto correct. That being said, grammar is not my strong suit either. However, I do try my best but i will not murder you if it is not your strong suit either. I prefer to role play romantic rp's as i'm sure most females on this site do so nothing new there. On another note, I enjoy violence, gore, blood, sex and anything that keeps the plot going. I love to Rp well rounded stories and have situations that's keep the situations interesting. I really enjoy having a partner who is interested in developing the stories as much as I. With all this said and if you still are interested great! i should also add that everything in my Rps must have a purpose, meaning they don't fall in love at first sight, it is gradual as is the climax of the story lines. My ideal male characters in my role-plays tend to be very strong headed males. Rough around the edges with a tough attitude. If you enjoy playing thous types of characters and agree to everything in the above paragraph then i think we may be in business. If you are okay with that, here are some ideas I've been thinking of role playing.... Vampire/ Blind women This story is a bit vague, i would like to have a partner who can help develop it. What i had in mind is there is a women who is blind, she is young and known to the village as being a sort of hokey fortune teller. She however, dabbles in magic and other types of things similar to a necromancer. Stuck in her boring life she is greeted by a suspicious man, who is seeking help in finding and locating a certain person. Being told about this women they partner together to track down a wanted man. Again very loose idea can use a lot of tweaking i would love to do a magical blind women the other side can be what ever you choose was just suggesting a vampire. Other RP themes / no plots for 1. Princess/bounty hunter 2. Human / vampire 3. Sword of truth fandom Rp 4. Twisted version beauty and the beast 5. sc fi bounty hunter / civilian 6. Slaver/ servant If you are interested please PM me, ill watch the thread but I mostly eye my PM more.