[b]Gratia Mindaro - Cafeteria [/b] "[color=66cd00]Your hair could fucking burn for all I care,[/color]" she replied tonelessly. "[color=66cd00]But not until I sate my interest in it.[/color]" The assumption that Schwarz' strange hair situation was associated with his emotional state was one based on very little evidence, the only sign having been the surprise on his face earlier. But it was a hypothesis that had greater basis than any other shitty idea that could pop up. And Gratia was going to prove that her hypothesis was correct. By all fucking means necessary. "[color=66cd00]My dorm, straight after classes, [/color]" she continued, standing from her chair with remarkable solemn grace. "[color=66cd00]DoN'T be tardy.[/color]" And once again, she was the stoic Mistralese huntress, walking away into the crowd with nary another word.