[@The Slenderman] Crapsy begins to laugh and then his expression of funny transforms in angry one. In the same time, reputs the sack and the rose inside his bag. CORK: (Oh god, this is going to be bad.) GENCLY: (Crapsy please dont do nothing of stupid.) CRAPSY: Very incredible, anytime that i try to be polite with someone i have always problems like that. Very annoying. And you know what, i don't like that person that try to be idiot with me, especially a bitch like you. And you know what also, i will take your dagger and i wont pay you damned fucking shitface.... but being a gentleman, i will give you however an other thing that you will really like it. For a beautiful woman like you i give always the....BEST!!!!! Makunba!!! In that moment, throw right in the face od Akkina a little smog ball of magic, blinding her and then he starts to run around the street with the dagger in his hand. GENCLY: (Good, we are thieves now.) CORK: (Yyyeaah.) CRAPSY: (Well look the good side, we have a gift for the son of the mistress.) GENCLY: (I hate you idiot.)