Gideon smiled from behind Felix as he finished. He squirted a little mercury from a bottle to seal up the cuts he had made with the necessary precision and took the magnet device from his patient. "Glad to see at least you see it that way. I'd ask exactly what you meant to do about it, but I suppose it's best to keep such things out of public hands. "Anyway, I'm quite done here. Do tell your father to come get looked at, unless he's been seeing a different Artificer I'd rather say he's due." ~~~ Marv lifted his arms in exasperation, but what was he to do? And it wasn't like there was any law against such a baffling act of charity. "Er, well. We don't actually have an identification yet. We [i]do[/i] have measurements of her intact arm that would be helpful in making a pretty standard replica. A factory Artificer could knock one out in a couple of hours, even. She'll be in Grace of Hermes Hospital, I'm sure a man of your station could come calling without anyone asking too many questions."