[h3]Polly Roger - The Rusty Wench Tavern[/h3] Polly practically beamed as the elf-earred girl patted her, and extended an invitation to join her crew. No questions asked, even! [i]Ah, there really is one born every minute~[/i] Whilst she [i]did[/i] trust that she could look after herself, Polly liked a little bit of insurance. I mean, what if she got tired whilst flying, or something hit her, and she went plummeting into the ocean? What if those wild stories about what lay on the Grand Line [i]weren't[/i] just exaggerations by losers trying to make themselves seem less pathetic for giving up? Having someone strong around to take care of all that seemed rather advantageous to her, really. Not only that, but as part of a crew she'd get her share of booty... Sure, she'd prefer to have it all to herself, but life's all about compromise after all. "Ah, just forget those losers, captain!" Polly laughed at black-hair and silver-hair as she casually slumped back in a chair. "Probably just a bunch of kids trying to look tough! Probably all talk, y'know? I see it all the time, brats who think they're going to be the next pirate king." The irony of her calling them "kids" when they were clearly older than her wasn't lost on her, but she was just trying to rile them up a bit. If they really weren't all talk, then hey, that's a couple of extra meatshields for her to hide behind. And if her taunting was [i]right[/i], well... They'd probably meet the same fate as that poor table, not that she cared. "...Anyways, I don't think we've been formally introduced, captain! Name's Polly! Polly Roger! ...But, um, not [i]that[/i] Roger, y'know?" The dreadlocked girl leaned back in her seat, the needle of her Log Pose bobbing about as she stretched her legs. [@Ira][@Yorutenchi][@bmxbrat484][@Renny]