[@kittyluna45] Hope it's to your liking! [hider=Talia Jones] [b]Name:[/b] Talia Jones. But you can call her T.J. [b]Age:[/b] 19 [hider=Appearance:][img] http://i.imgur.com/cMPD9qT.jpg?1 [/img] Talia stands at five foot four and has piercing green eyes. Her brunet locks like to form into curls that are trimmed around her face, but a bit longer toward the back. She prefers to wear loose clothing and her favorite hat, which her mother embroidered a white leaping tiger on its back and a gray baying wolf on its front.[/hider] [b]Power / Talent:[/b] Physical Class. [u]Animal morphing:[/u] She can shift into nearly any animal. Downside: She can only speak in the tongue of the creature she has morphed into. When she shifts back into human form, she tends to retain the personality traits of the animal, and the longer she remains in the same animal form, the more difficult it becomes for her to shift directly back into a human, and the amount of time she retains the personality of the animal(s) increases. [u]Animal imitation:[/u] Even when not shifted, she is capable of taking on the abilities of animals. She could have the speed of a cheetah, reflexes of a cat, agility of a monkey, generation abilities of a lizard… Downside: The weaknesses of the animal she imitates also become her weaknesses, and she will retain some of the creature’s personality for a short while after. [b]Biography:[/b] Ever since she was a toddler, she has had a love for animals, and always seemed to be capable of telling what an animal needed or wanted. Growing up in South Carolina, she had nearly every kind of household pet a kid could want at one point in time or another. Until she was thirteen, she lived a normal life, filled with friends and family. Then, everything changed when her powers emerged. A couple days after the development of Talia’s telekinesis and telepathy, her parents discussed the happenings in hushed tones behind closed doors, leaving Talia panic-stricken alone in her room with only her cat, McMuffin, for comfort. With the newscast about the millions of others who had suddenly gained powers running through her mind, she couldn’t help but wish that she, too, was a cat. Such a simple life they lived, with only the worry of where best to nap to bother them. No sooner had the thought crossed her mind, than she felt as if her body had turned into taffy, morphing and shrinking until she came eye-to-eye with a frightened McMuffin. That night, her parents, wanting to keep her safe from government and other, less enthusiastic non-powered people, forced her into a reclusive lifestyle, limiting her contact with the outside world until she could control her abilities. After about a year, Talia finally had a handle on her shifting and imitation. She managed to convince her parents to allow her to attend a normal high school, where she graduated alongside her many friends with few incidents and managing to keep her Psychic side a secret from all but other Psychics. Now, she lives in her own apartment a couple cities over with her best furry friends, McMuffin and Ronaldo, her full-time waitressing job just managing to pay the bills. Free of her parents’ watchful eyes, Talia has begun to use her powers more and more, using them regularly to help the non-powered people and other animals whenever she can, regardless of what form that may take. Though she continues to use caution, the sensation of being watched has been prickling at her nerves as of late. Whether the feeling comes from the heightened paranoia that often spills over from her frequent shifting into a cat, or from a real-life threat, she cannot quite say. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Playing with and talking to her cats, McMuffin and Ronaldo, volunteering at animal shelters, hiking, really anything that gets her out in nature. [b]Personality:[/b] When not influenced by a recent shift, Talia is a kind, caring, and gentle girl. She is highly empathetic, caring for both humans and animals alike... unless they threaten her family or loved ones. Then, even the fury of a bear should cower in her wake. She is an active person who often can’t sit still for long, and suffers from a heavy dose of impatience. She also absolutely loves to take advantage of her abilities, using them whenever she gets the chance. [b]Role in Sector X:[/b] None as of yet. [b]Additional Info:[/b] Though she can’t control them, animals have a natural attraction to, and are protective of, her--from the usually docile to normally hostile--so it’s rare for her to be found without some kind of creature following her around. Because of this, she often keeps a small bag with various cat and dog treats stuffed into one of her pockets. [/hider]