[center][h2]Hall of Dreamers[/h2][/center] In the well lit room of his personal chambers given by the Dreamers. Khanza sighed as he allowed himself to relax after a fairly quick and surprisingly easy match. A 3D holo screen projected before him by a portable computer device Aquilan had carried with him. Upon it the collected information of the other contests who had managed to win their own matches. He cracked the knuckles of one hand as he leaned back in his long chair. It seemed Faoesia and Aquilan had managed to obtain quite a bit of information on his possible future opponents. [color=00aeef]“As far as I can see you next opponent is that Angel fellow.”[/color] Aquilan pointed out as he enjoyed a cup of tea. Tablurath sighed as he nodded. [color=black]“So it would seem, hopefully they will be more interesting than my last opponent.”[/color] He waved a hand before him to the dossier of the warrior in question. It seemed his next opponent had been decided.