Amara Velrose (Female) [Yet to find an accurate pic lol ^_^;;] Age: 18 [Appearance] Height: 5"5 1/2 Skin: Caramel Hair: Dark brown Eyes: Soft brown with flecks of gold that seem to drift around her pupils Build: Rather thin frame with defined hips (usually obscured by her style of dress), average chest size, and wears sleeves on her forearms to hide her various burns and scars there. Personality/Some Background: Can be rather bratty at times. Somewhat cautious, though her curiosity often gets the best of her. Amara spends most of her time traveling between different areas. Despite her somewhat bratty nature Amara came from a rather poor background and ran away from home at the age of 12 with her 15 year old, both surviving by becoming thieves. After her brother's sudden arrest and disappearance, Amara has been traveling alone and hoping to find someone to teach her magic or at the very least, enchantments; hoping that with this, she can free her brother. Skills: Stealing, Stealth, Gambling, and quick speed/reaction time. Ability: Can manipulate fire for short amounts of time by rearranging the particles of energy produced by friction and high amounts of heat. [Due to lack of control, this ability is not commonly used] Drawbacks: No learned fighting style, little experience with weapons other than small knives, does not think very far ahead, has a reckless nature