[b][u]The King and Queen of Thirmos[/u][/b] (KnightsTemplar and WildBunni Collab) Alaric watched a moment as the sun that had greeted him that morning was now slowly dropping below the western mountain range and smiled to himself, what would of been a near disaster, had now presented him an opportunity he could not pass up. Deep down he wished Rowan had sliced the little weasels throat, but that would of led to civil war amongst the other Nobles who looked to him for protection, he to them for their resources and men-at-arms to fill the ranks of the Army, he only wished Rowan would realize Kings power came from those who served the Crown loyally and not merely by birthright. A knock at the door stirred him from his thoughts and he turned to see one of his Royal Guard stick his head around the edge of the solid oak door,"Forgive me Sire, but her highness the Queen wishes entry", the man said with bowed head. "By all means, give her entry", Alaric replied wondering how it was she had heard the news so suddenly, which was the only reason she could of been her and not overseeing the Dinner preparations. He made his way across the room to embrace her as she pushed her way passed the Guard and looked up at him, "Issy, my beloved, to what do I owe this surprise visit?", he quipped as he embraced her then motioned for her to sit. The Queen gracefully made her way passed the guards, her face showed little of the raising anger bleeding within. When she appeared, her eyes cast down to the floor, her arms rest perfectly close to her sides while her body lowered into a curtsy. Isabel would have fought her way past the Royal Guards, if Alaric denied her passage. Stubborn, others called it. However, Isabel thought of it as determination. Even though, the throne belonged truthfully to King Alaric. It was Isabel who has managed to keep the kingdom thriving while her husband's absence. Both royals have played huge parts, bringing Thirmos to success. "Issy, my beloved, to what do I owe this surprise visit?" "Your Grace," she spoke when they were left alone. Isabel gasped as she was pinned by strong arms. The energy of a powerful coiled leader surrounded her. Her body felt a flame while her lust which until now had been easily subdued, flared to life. Over the years, her heart still beats passionately for him. How much she hated and adore, the way he made her feel even in such an age. "Alaric," Her petite body tense under his embrace, pushing her inner demons at bay. Unable to resist the temptation, she looked up to inspect the face of her beloved, focusing on the tall stature man. How she loved this man so. Her green eyes flashed with anger as Isabel remembered the reason she requested an audience with him. Her hand came down his chest, a small warning that she was not in a playing mood. The hit did absolute nothing to the man, not even a flinch. "Do not be coy with me, Alaric." she hissed, ignoring the pleasant offer of the sit. " For all that is holy, tell me you have our son limbs being tore apart?" Of course not, the spoiled brat had managed to escape with nothing but a lecture from his father. Isabel placed her hands on her hips, exhaling the breath from her lungs. "If it isn't Cilla. Rowan, will be the death of me." Isabel care little who was to blame. Just that actions must be taken. No matter the status. " Alaric, take action or I will." The fiery temper, the determined glint in her sultry green eyes, the way she strode into his chambers to stand defiantly before.....even after all the years together, she still stirred his desires and made him feel like a young stag experiencing his first rutting season, for a moment as she stood before, he concidered gong to the oak door and slamming the bolt shut and then ravage her till they both collapsed from exhaustion, but by the tone in her voice, she was not of like mind. "Your Grace...is it now, well then, I'm to believe word has done reached my Queens ear, of our Sons latest rush to rash conclusion to draw sword and not the use of his brain, I declare woman, were I to have your network of spies within the very walls of Cylla, I would have no need of this Alliance to make it mine". He bite his lip to keep from chuckling as her small had pummeled his chest as she vented her frustration concerning Rowan. He lifted a hand and brushed back a sew strands of her long blonde tresses, then brushed his fingers across her cheek, "Without limbs, I fear he would still have the tenacity to bite, but I beg thee patience my dear, our Sons rush to act an anger, as presented my with opportunity to be rid of two birds with a single stone, something that was better seized upon then having the boy drawn and quartered, come sit, I have need of you thoughts to my plan". Alaric waited till she sat then paced back and forth as he began to unfold his thoughts and lay them bare to her, "As your aware, Roberts egotistical and arrogant manner is becoming worse and more tiresome to me then Rowans impetuousness, however Robert still manages to hold the confidence of the other Nobles and I have been at wits end to understand why... now indeed I had reason enough to dismiss him as Chamberlain for his treatment of the Sevaviel, but losing his position simply for being rude to them would give him grievance enough against me to go to the other Nobles, whom many as you know were young Knights during the border wars between the two Kingdoms and who are still now opposed to any Alliance between the Kingdoms and would cause me more problems then needed". Now, as for the five barrels of wine, though said I to be gift, was meant more as a means for Robert to hang himself, for if he does as I suspect he will with the wine, he will besmirch his own honor and reputation, giving me just cause to remove his head and not risk the Nobles allying against the Alliance, which if I am to take Cylla, I will need to combined might of both Armies". Alaric paused and stood before, "Now what say you to this?, or would you care to mull this over after we've dined and entertained our guests?". The small muscles of her brow crinkled, at the mention of the formal way of sleuthing. This was their home, while nobility ran course through her blood, she will do all she could. Even, if it meant stealing a couple of workers to keep an eye on all it's residents. Although, it was indeed a bad habit for a lady. Alaric tightened the space between them, slowing her trail of thoughts. Once more, he gestured to the chair across the room. Her feet wouldn't obey, with a small tugged of her husband. She allowed him to guide her over the chair, her fingers bent around the fabric of her skirt, confusion displayed on her face. Obediently, Isabel sat down and placed her hands onto of her lap. Her eyes rested upon him while he paced from one side of the room to the other. The mention of the narcissistic lord caused the woman to rolled her eyes in response." Lord Robert has build a good name for himself in the Court." she stated, the answer is right in front of them." There are two forces that rule this world; fear and greed." Isabel fluidly rose to her feet and placed her hands on his chest." I hope we act in time before one of us fall by his hand. You have my full support as long. Of course, you honor his beheading in my name, hm?" Isabel brushed passed him, stopping just by the door. She turned, admiring him from the distance before the doors swung opened and exit. " I will see you at dinner." Isabel continued onwards without missing a step, the ladies followed behind. Queen Isabel was the embodiment of a pure Thirmos woman. Her golden hair was pin to her head in tiny braids, and her skin was pale it appeared translucent, though it was unblemished and glowed with health. She wore a beautiful burgundy velvet, embroidered with beads and tiny pearls along the neck, sleeves and front accents, hung off her slender frame, enhancing her femininity. Golden cuffs circled her wrists and throat, and upon her head rest true accessory that helps set a queen apart from her subjects by virtue of beauty, elegance, and style: her crown. The feast in honor of Queen Emilia was underway and the atmosphere in King Alaric's court was jubilant. Hundreds of revelers ate, drank and danced in the Great Hall, while the sound of laughter and music rose to the rafters. The preparations were made weeks in advance before the arrival of Queen Emilia. Isabel observed the festivities from his Majesty's table at the end of the Great Hall. It was all too familiar a sight for the queen: the drunken lechers clumsily pawing at the young, voluptuous women on the ballroom floor, the older noblemen of the court cheering them on and slapping their behinds in congratulations for their lewdness, the elderly women exchanging disapproving glances with one another... it was a scene of pure debauchery brought on by drink; a typical evening of festivities in her husband's court. Isabel had been attending these gatherings like these from a young age and it was always the same: a parade of gluttonous imbeciles. The only real pleasure she derived from these gatherings was listening to the heavenly music played by the court's musicians. Aside from the pleasant company of her family, there was no other reason she could think of to stay past the end of the feast, except for those magnificent compositions pouring out of the musicians' instruments, flooding the hall.