[center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/wekde1cel/2000px_Captain_America_Shield_svg.png[/img][/center] Bucky had listened from his seat in complete silence as Smiley ran through the details of the mission. Smiley was forensic, analytical, and calculating. Perhaps even more so than his position called for him to be. It was clear that he'd done this more times than he could count and that fact put Bucky at ease as he ran him through it. Yemen was a damn sight different from the Ardennes and HYDRA and the technology they had at their disposal made what Bucky used to go up against seem like children's toys. To hear Smiley talk though, Bucky was certain that there were still some unshakeable truths to espionage that had remained unchanged by the passage of time. He took one last glance at the picture of Tiger Shark before sliding it back along the table towards George. "Just the one," Bucky muttered, fully aware that Smiley would know what Barnes was about to ask him. "If I can't bring him in...?"