[h2][center]Isaac Hecht[/center][/h2] [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/312/4/c/cyborg_eye_wip_by_project_eagleeye-d32fabf.png[/img] [center][color=4682B4][h1]Hax, The Archivist[/h1][/color][/center] [center][h2]"This kind of awesome doesn't come standard issue."[/h2][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Just outside of Silicon Valley. Not to hard to get to LA from there. [b]Occupation:[/b] Archivist and head of CIA (Citadel Intelligence Agency) [b]Race: [/b]Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Not sure I'll use a pic here's the description. Isaac stands about six foot two and weighs in at 210 lbs without the arm. The man has a rugged look to him nothing like the young energetic scientist he used to be. The last year wore on him hard. There are bags under his gray eyes once so bright now like a building storm. A storm that's not yet here but you know to run. Isaac’s dark brown hair is only kept in check by the work of his knife leaving it a ragged mess enough to keep his head warm but won't be on his way. His sharp chin has the same dark brown hair kept in a short beard. If you catch him without his eye piece you can see the scarred remains of his left eye staring but not seeing. The cybernetics of his arm required massive surgery and has fully altered his right shoulder. The scars are still clear all over Isaac’s right side and chest. The arm was grafted in deep so that it was perfectly integrated into Isaac’s nervous system giving him mental control over it. Otherwise for an apocalypse survivor he looks fairly healthy. [b]Powers:[/b] Isaac is a powerless mortal. For a human he is fit and much more intelligent than most, but does not have superhuman abilities on his own. [b]Skills:[/b] An Engineering wonder Isaac was an up and coming prodigy likely capable of greatly changing the world if it hadn’t already been rocked by the appearance of metahumans and such. He completed high school two years early not too insane, but not as impressive as his next feat. He was top of his class at MIT, focusing on cybernetics and computer networking, and quickly was picked up by the government when he started work on the next advancement in cybernetics. The military had been pouring money into the topic for years and as such Isaac was quickly integrated into the science team. His time in the military R&D gave him experience not only with his cybernetics team but also: Weapons, some time with vehicles, and the maintenance of the CIA database server. He never worked with the CIA, but he was cleared to physically maintain the servers for them. When the cybernetics were complete and it was time for live testing Isaac became his own test subject and the more or less first artificial super soldier. He spent all the years up to the apocalypse training to test every aspect of the arm. During this time he added it’s weaponry as per the Brass’ orders. With six years of training with the arm from dawn til dusk Isaac was able to rival not only normal soldiers but some of the best. The arm provided versatility and strength a normal man couldn’t keep up with. Isaac faced this all with determination believing that his work would lead to a revolution not only for the military, but one for all humanity. This tech if proven and funded could lead to prosthetics for normal people mechanical organs ways to improve everyone's lives. If this meant starting by proving this tech as a war machine so be it. Isaac’s focus on the future has kept him going and working even when he’s hit dead ends that set him back months. His perseverance has served him well in the apocalypse letting him at least appear confident even in the face of annihilation. [b]Equipment/Resources:[/b] Isaac’s robotic arm is his greatest asset. He built it while still working for the military becoming his own test subject as he promised it to military as soon as he perfected it. The world ended before that so Isaac kept it fully weaponized. The arm features a swiss army knife of features. It is built deep into his body having replaced the arm he was born without. It's a super light advanced alloy, but it'll hold up to the worst punishment. The forearm contains 2 main parts the lower half is a scrap gun that can be loaded with pretty much anything that would hold up when fired. The upper half houses his cybernetic hand which can be fired on a nanofiber cable as a grappling hook. Also in the top half is a telescoping blade that can extend out about 4 foot. The blade has since been silvered for magical combat. Isaac lost the use of his left eye during the actual apocalypse and about three months ago completed a device to restore vision to it. The eye was blinded by a chemical burn that also did a nasty bit of work to the area around the eye. Until now Isaac simply wore an eye patch, but now has a whole eyepiece built in giving the eye sight once again, and more. The device also includes an infrared mode and can be hooked up to computers. Being only human Isaac doesn’t go into battle in just some colored tights. He wears a set of modern body armor, bullet resistant and such. He largely relies on tactics to survive over the armor. After all when people can shoot lasers from their eyes bulletproof doesn’t mean much. He has hoped to find a better option so that he can get onto the front line more. Right now resources are just too limited for him to experiment in new armor types, and he doesn’t have any of the materials needed to make the alloy used in his arm. His final piece of carried equipment is a ballistics shield. The mobile piece of cover helps Isaac keep protected even in barren areas. It’s a simple black heavy shield with a small viewing area so he can see through it. Hax’s magnum opus is the Database. This is a collection of all the information he has been able to salvage from society. With the the apocalypse came the destruction of hundreds of years of learning. While most go to salvage physical materials Isaac salvages lost information to help save it for mankind's future if they were lucky enough to have one. With the help of the databases avatar, Alice, Isaac can combine all the collected data to design advanced tech that was limited before by the competition of mankind. Basically imagine if all the companies of the world pooled their resources. That’s what Isaac is doing now. He’s also included information from his time in the military Engineers/ R&D. With the database holding much of the information needed to rebuild it has been generally accepted as a worthwhile expense, but not the first priority. The database itself is basically a large room filled with servers and a number of monitors to access it. Alice acts as the operating system more or less sorting data and providing interface with it. If Isaac isn’t working in the field to gather materials or data he will be in the database tracking information and acting as the intelligence hub for the citadel. [b]Weaknesses: [/b]Isaac is but a mortal man. He needs food, water, air, and so on. He can’t catch bullets or even knifes. On his own he is at the mercy of the world. Isaac can sometimes be bullheaded and insist there must be perfect answer an outcome that will solve everything, and this can lead him into even worse situations. His perseverance and hope often are what test him the most. At what point does he have to admit he’s done? He’s out of ideas and options? The man may well work himself to death trying to help others. Isaac’s machinery though fantastic devices they are, are not indestructible. It will take a serious beating to break Isaac’s arm, but it can be done. Without this Isaac is down to simple weaponry, and that makes everything harder since the large majority of his training is with the arm. He can use a gun sure, but no he only has his left arm functioning making most attempts rather pathetic. The eye piece is fairly easy to break, and would leave Isaac half blind. Though able to appear to others as hopeful and a firm believer in the future Isaac has his doubts, and ends up "erasing" them with alcohol. He's had the habit pretty much since the world started to end. He’s gone out of his way on missions to try and get alcohol before stockpiling it for when he hits one of his lows. When your job is to remember and store information on everything that’s happened it's hard to forget the tragedy. [b]Psychological Profile:[/b] Once a dreamer of better futures Isaac has taken a step back on his optimism since everything went down. He still high hopes compared to some of the other desperate souls of the citadel, but that’s part of his job. Isaac keeps his ideal future in mind with every decision sometimes forgetting the present. This sometimes leaves Isaac seeming distant and not all there. Normally he’s very stable and logical, but like anyone can get emotional under stress. His drinking problem shows up whenever a few too many troubles have hit in a row. With the world always a half step from no return Isaac feels like he has to forget about those problems, and does so through liberal alcohol consumption. He thanks that if he focuses on them that he’ll never make it past them, and though he’s somewhat right on the inside he knows he’s lying and that there are better ways, but not easier ones. Isaac is very touchy about the database with the sheer amount of work needed to maintain it, and also tends to throw anyone he doesn’t like out, and even those he does like if they begin asking him about the database AI Alice. Even his closest friends aren’t confided in about the computer avatar. In truth the AI was Isaac and his military R&D team’s invention a first attempt at controlling cybernetics by combining AI into the nervous connection so that the arm moved logically and naturally, but the idea was scrapped early on. Isaac salvaged the program for other uses, and named the avatar it created when installed into the database after his girlfriend who was also on the team. Alice was not only a brilliant engineer, but Isaac had always sworn after he finished the cybernetics research that he’d ask her to marry him. He let work come first and hasn’t heard anything from Alice. He has vague hopes knowing she was in a military base last time he called her about two years ago. The idea that she may still be alive, but also that she could have been dead all this time torments Isaac. Isaac is one of the many people whose morals have decayed somewhat since the world has gone to hell. At first apprehensive to even kill someone clearly deserving it Isaac has learned that there are sacrifices that must be made. He still has some mercy for those who deserve it, but there is no sign of hesitation when he pulls the trigger now. In the field he has zero tolerance for anyone, and sometimes has to be warned not to kill on sight. He’s grown to distrust people and only trust the data. He plays by the odds never giving anyone the benefit of the doubt. He plans to survive this apocalypse and bring this world back, so either you are an asset or an obstacle, and superhuman or magical you do not want to be in Hax’s way. [b]Biography:[/b] Axel Hecht and his wife Liv were simple Americans from a simpler times. Axel, born in Berlin, was a peace corps member who helped in third world nations released from the U.S.S.R. He was proud of his work knowing all about the tragedies that came with communism and fascism. Liv was an american member of the core, and without going into too much detail events lead to the creation of Isaac. The couple had returned to Liv’s home for the time and decided to settle and stay in America rather than Germany. Things were just a bit too turbulent to raise a child there, and as such Isaac grew up like almost any american boy save for one thing. It was clear early on that something hadn’t gone quite right with the fetus, and soon the doctors could clearly tell that the boy’s right arm was not forming correctly, and as such Isaac’s arm was amputated instantly to prevent further problems as there was no other options at the time. Growing up with one arm of course wasn’t easy for Isaac, but he got along well. Things started rough in elementary school, but kids are just kids and came around eventually. Soon people stopped paying attention to the boy's arm, and instead to his grades. Perhaps because he couldn’t play most sports or use those newfangled video games Isaac put a lot more effort into his work. He still was a kid though loving his erector sets and falling in love with legos when he got them. By high school it was clear he was meant for more, and graduated two years early to move to MIT nearly full ride. Even at this point Isaac didn’t fall behind and pushed onward doing everything he could to learn about everything there was. Though he started undecided on what to study the upcoming field of prosthetics was an instant interest, and became his focus. He stood proud on graduation day as the valedictorian. In his speech he spoke on how even the darkest of times can be pulled through with hope, and even then we have to turn that hope into action. Only weeks early Isaac had been contacted by F.O.R.G.E. a Military R&D group one that was on the absolute cutting edge of tech at the time. He of course accepted immediately upon hearing they wanted him for a cybernetics team. The next eight years were spent devoted to the project. Within the first two the arm was built, and Isaac became the first modern cyborg. He was given orders to perfect the arm for soldiers and so Isaac became one himself testing every aspect of the arm building on it. After another two years the superheroes began to show up. This became F.O.R.G.E.’s focus for that time, and even more was done to try and get normal soldiers up to the status of super heroes. Isaac remained on the cybernetics team trying to find a viable system of augmentations that could be given to soldiers even if they weren’t wounded. To this day the sirens still haunt Isaac. The call to scramble the jets, to ready every weapon we have, to go to war. He was kept on a military base since his research was top secret, and had grown to know many of the soldiers stationed there as friends. He watched as the world was about to go M.A.D. helpless just a man watching the skies. He almost wished those nukes had ended it all sometimes because the suffering and pain that came after were only worse. This was mainland real bloody man versus man versus monster versus metal war not this sight unseen bomb and run. The base held for a while turning out augmented soldiers, but soon the hierarchy collapsed and the troops fled. The wars were over now it was just survival. Isaac and a small band of surviving soldiers left the Washington base into the wild wasteland of the north west. The group followed the coast going off a last ghostly message that had been received through the radio about a “City of angels.” With no other ideas the group traveled south encountering all the nightmares of the wasteland. In the end only Isaac and Jack Wright, originally a stranger to Isaac now the only person he trusted, arrived to drag themselves into the city. Isaac proved his usefulness in those early months being able to repair almost anything, and bringing a number of important pieces of information himself. Soon he gained a position of somewhat prominence helping to build up an archive of all the combined knowledge of the populace a way to save what little of the world humans once lived it. The archive soon expanded to the database one of the most powerful computers in the world, especially with all others known being wiped out. It provided storage and access to all the digital knowledge that could have been gone into the aether of time. In his gathering of knowledge and stories from the populace Isaac learned about so much more than just the tragedy of the world. Even in the darkest times people stood up for their fellow man facing death head on to save others. Inside the archive is a memorial to such heroes an ever shining light with a plaque below that reads: “In memory of those who brought the light of justice in our darkest hour. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.”