[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XalelKH.png[/img] [h3][color=#b28f00] Nabil.[/color][/h3][/center][hr] [b]N[/b]abil faintly smiled before sitting back in his chair, content with Marxo answer. Though he hated to admit that he may had influenced another, Nabil was still happy with the outcome. They were friends, that much was obvious. Without a glance or care, Nabil acknowledged Polly’s words with a mocking chuckle. He had seen her earlier, out the corner of his eyes when the table was flipped. She wasn't much to look at. Not a curve or lump on her anywhere. One of the reasons he hadn’t spared her another glance in the first place. [b]H[/b]e slid his hands into his pockets before yawning, sparing a glance at the waitress. Now she was easy on the eyes. Something to entertain himself with if he ever got bored. Of course that would never happened with Marxo’s and his bounties. Perhaps he should start recruiting as well. Gather up a crew for himself. His eyes closed minutely before opening to the ground between his legs, his thoughts were currently swaying towards his next Marine raid. [color=#b28f00][b] “A[/b]nything but water,”[/color] he responded shortly. [color=#b28f00][b] “A[/b]nd let’s make that to go. This shack seems to have an infestation of insects. Dontcha think, Marxo? They don't know when they're standing in front of monsters,”[/color] he said with a sigh, pushing his seat out and standing up without fear of retaliation. He looked off towards the door, staring pass the fishman and towards the dazzling outside. The dim décor had somehow enhanced the beauty outside. [@Boss Muffin][@Rin][@bmxbrat484][@Ira][@Yorutenchi][@Ostarion]