[@Renny][@Rin][@bmxbrat484][@yorutenchi] [center][h3][b][u][color=088A85]M a r x o [/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/drf4uf.png[/IMG] [color=088A85]” At first I just wanted a beer, but now I need liquor. Gin preferably.”[/color] Marxo had become impatient. He scoured the tavern for any signs of smoke . It was a dire need , almost a fixation . He completely ignored the small teenage girl squawking on about how him and Nabil weren’t worth the elven girl’s time until he finally found a lit cigarette. It hung from the mouth of a nameless usurper at the bar. Marxo was uninterested in questioning him for it. By now he only could think of action. With anger in hand he raced across the room, almost effortlessly because of his devil fruit powers. No one even noticed he was gone. He immediately snatched the cigarette out of the man’s mouth and slammed his head against the bar. [color=088A85] “ You won’t be needing this anymore.”[/color] Almost instantly he appeared back in his chair, mildly relieved by the tobacco riddled drug known as a cigarette. As he puffed he began to realize he’d been insulted. It was the short one from earlier. He decided it would be be best to ignore her, She didn’t seem worth the effort of an insult. As Marxo enjoyed his medicine Nabil spoke of leaving. It had just crossed Marxo’s mind that they still had a reconnaissance mission to accomplish. [color=088A85] “ Your right, plus I need smokes. [/color] , he laughed at the monsters joke. [color=088A85] “ This is quite too much for a bite to eat .[/color] He turned to the small woman who’d introduced herself as Polly. [color=088A85] “ Name’s Marxo but you can call me not interested.”[/color] As he began to stand a flier caught wind from his back pocket. It landed amongst the plates Nabil had cleaned . It seemed to be a bounty . The picture was Marxo's. The bounty was amazing.[/center]