[@Demon Grave] [center][h3][color=black]Marcus “[/color]Limbo[color=black]” Clementine[/color][/h3][/center] Marcus intently listened to Erin while he recalled a short tale of his life before the Wizards of Fiore. It was quite fascinating, talking to other wizards. Carnival folk had interesting backstories, but none of them were quite piqued Marcus interest as much as the story of how a wizard has lived their life. Marcus often found himself in his youth begging Master Henryk to recall the tales of how he became known as Henryk the Magnificent, Master of the Rift. At the time he didn't even stop to consider that perhaps his mentor was just making a lot of his tales up, but he didn't care; they were quite the investing stories. Listening to Erin talk about the wars, Marcus could feel his mood somber, even if the cheerful man didn't show it on his face. The war was a difficult time for many people, and Marcus felt guilty that he had no words of empathy to impart. He wasn't involved in the war, and neither was his family. He sighed at the thought of losing his family to war; even his despised father, which surprised him. Marcus took a swig from the drink that Erin had kindly placed in front of him, gagging as the alcohol burned the back of his throat. Not wanting to seem rude, he swallowed the booze with a painfully forced smile. He also didn't want to seem like a kid who couldn't handle a little drink in front of his new comrade. "Pardon me. So you saved a village during the war?" Marcus said, flashing Erin a proud grin, "I guess that makes you a hero then. I'm honored to share this drink with you, Erin." Marcus took another swig from the glass, instantly coughing it back and keeling over as he tried to remove every last ounce of the horrid stuff from his tongue. He tried to laugh it off, but he obviously wasn't fooling anyone. Thankfully, Erin was compassionate enough to change the subject back to Marcus' magic. It never occurred to Marcus the rarity of his masters craft, since growing up he'd spent so much time around it with Henryk that it felt normal. Clearing his throat, Marcus decided to keep it simple as to not bore Erin with the details. "I'm a Rift Mage. I can slip in and out of existence and bring people to an alternate dimension where I hold all the cards. That's why that kid, what was his name? Belial, you said. Yeah, he looked like he passed right through me. Technically he didn't. Technically I just stopped existing in this dimension for short period." He shrugged, smiling mischievously at Erin. "Call it foul play if you'd like, but I prefer to think of it as fighting on my own terms." While normally a showman like Marcus would provide a demonstration, the day had been quite long and arduous for the young mage. It would probably be a lot less effort to leave it at a simple explanation and order another round of drinks for Erin and Marcus; although this time he made sure his wouldn't be alcoholic. [@Demon Shinobi] [@Renny] [@chukklehed] [center][h3][color=Coral]Alice Vetrov[/color][/h3][/center] Alice couldn't help but find the young man who spoke to her quite charming. He was quite charismatic for someone who looked as young as he did. She was even more delighted that he was willing to help her. Suddenly the fear of sorting through all those files and medicinal equipment faded away. She placed a hand casually on her hip and smiled at the young boy. "[color=Coral]It's very kind of you to take me up on my offer. I'm sure there are a hundred other things a dashing gentleman such as yourself could be doing right now.[/color]" She nodded her head respectfully, about to comment on how grateful she'd be when the familiar looking white haired individual came practically hobbling through the door and towards Belial. He looked like he was in pain, but from her viewpoint it didn't seem that bad. She withheld a comment about Ms Oshiro's power, figuring that it was the last thing Isshum wanted to hear right now. Belial scolded Isshum in a friendly way for ignoring Alice, redirecting his attention back to her. "[Color=Coral]Glad to see you so eager. First things first, introductions. My name is Alice Kisaragi, I'll be resuming my role as a medic here at the guild. I've brought a lot of my medical equipment with me and require it to be set up in the infirmary and an office. Nothing too hard, just need to make sure all the files are in the right place. It's quite an extraneous task to tackle alone though.[/color]" Alice began to be mindful of the time, staring at the Guild Hall. With a quick moments thought, she decided to change her mind. "[color=coral]You know, on second thought. It's been a very long day, and I feel like you three would agree. So why don't we make a deal. It'll be my pleasure to treat a lovely lady and two handsome young men to a meal tonight in exchange for your help tomorrow.[/color]" Alice smiled, including the young girl who had wished to challenge Matt earlier, even though she sat quietly and kept to herself. Alice took note of Isshum's remark about eating fire, deciding to tempt the Dragonslayer a little more. "[Color=coral]I'll even let you taste a special fire of mine, one that you've probably never encountered before.[/color]"