Name: Cran the pacifist. Title: Age: 30 Gender: Male Appearance: Cran wears many different outfits, but under he wears chain-mail underneath, constantly. His outfits tend to have one thing in common. They have vibrant colors, both his shirts and pants. His shoes tend to be wooden, oddly enough. Personality: Cran is kind, forgiving, and peaceful. He is willing to forgive easily, and seeks to help others when he can. However, Cran does enjoy to fight when it is for fun, rather than survival. He makes horrible jokes, and puns, trying to be funny. Some find him annoying, but to others, they may find a wacky friend. He is also a pacifist, not willing to kill another living being. This has lead to him being a vegetarian. Biography: Cran was born under a different name, but all records of his former life have been erased. As a baby, he was lost when the boat carrying him and his family was sunk by pirate cannon fire. Luckly, for Cran, he was carried by a barrel to land, where on the coast of an island, he was found by a monk. This monk, rather old, knew that Cran would die if just left on the beach, so he took in the baby, and named him Cran, after the letters that could be made out on the barrel that had carried Cran to the island. The monk trained Cran in his religion and martial arts style, focusing on finding inner peace, and protecting life, for all life is sacred. However, the monk was old. When Cran was about 16, the monk died from old age...but Cran was willing to carry on the teachings of the monk. Creating a raft, Cran sailed out to sea, and was picked up by a passing merchant ship, and carried back to the mainlands. When he heard about the labyrinth opening, he set out, determined to spread the teachings of his friend, the old monk. Skills: Pacifistic Martial arts: Learned from his old master, Cran carries on the way of the old monk, his martial arts style centered around defeating his foes without killing them. However, do not mistake this for him not being willing to hurt others, if he has to. His fighting style uses grabs, and holds, in an attempt to make his target pass out by constricting vitals in order to slow the flow of blood to the brain. He knows how to do this with both humanoids, if they follow similar biological laws as humans, and animals, to a lesser extent. If this should fail, he uses on his personal spin on the monk's grapple style, which involves disabling limbs by breaking them, or dislocating them. Gatherer: Cran is skilled at gathering fruits, and root vegies, as he had to on his island home in the start of his life. He does plant the seeds from the fruits, or replants a part of the root so it can grow on, ect. For him, it's giving back what he takes. Guild: Begrudgingly, Ares. Equipment: None, really, other than his clothing and chain mail.