[center][h1][color=8493ca][b]Lord Aldurin Ranold of Sevaviel[/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://odforce.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Solomon-Kane-Teaser.png[/img][/center] Reaching the entrance hall Aldurin was surprised to see that everyone had seemingly scattered to the winds. It was to be expected of course as he couldn't expect everyone to stay put while he was about with he King and the Prince. The great castle seemed suddenly large to Aldurin though without knowledge of his people's whereabouts. [color=8493ca]"Nose to the ground, Whisper,"[/color] he said quietly to his wolf companion. It was a small command that she knew to be aware of danger. He wasn't an overly cautious man, but times like these, where rat lords scurried about and potentially violent royals brandished steel, he had cause plenty to be wary. Whisper nudged his hand, snapping him from his grim thoughts. He realized he had been standing in the entrance hall, apparently with a face of murderous intent about him, as the few staff in the area were looking at him like frightened sheep. Aldurin sighed heavily, there was nothing he could do at this moment. All he could do was be patient, hope for a better outcome, and keep his nose to the ground for any trouble. Running a hand through his black mass of hair he took a breath. Then snapped his piercing gaze to one of the cleaning women. [color=8493ca]"If I'm not mistaken there's to be a dinner tonight for our arrival. Please see a bath brought to my assigned room. I doubt your King and Queen would appreciate a man smelling of the road sitting at their tables."[/color] He said in tone he hoped was polite. Judging by the woman's reaction, it wasn't. Aldurin sighed again and made his way to his room. It wasn't a long walk to his room from the entrance hall and once there he saw that a bath had been drawn and was steaming in the center of the room. A young servant girl was waiting timidly by the tub. Aldurin shook his head and wiped his hand down his face. [color=8493ca]"I don't need you here. Go on,"[/color] he said, slightly frustrated. The girl sheepishly tried to make an excuse, but left quickly as Aldurin shot a hand towards the door. He thought he saw a look of relief upon her face. As soon as the door closed behind her Aldurin went to where his bags where and opened them up. Pulling out a fresh, if wrinkled set of trousers, shirt, and underclothes, placing them upon the bed before getting undressed and getting in the bath. Whisper jumped in with him, causing him to laugh loudly as she splashed hot water onto the carpets. The bath did wonders to release the tension in his mind, especially as he sat there washing Whisper. The water had gone cold by the time Aldurin and Whisper were done with their bath, and time was short to get to the dinner. So Aldurin put on his clean clothes then shook off his leather and chainmail. Sending dust into the air as he beat the ornate leather chest-piece. He donned the heavy chainmail shirt and strapped the leather chest-piece over top. Then sliding his knee high boots up his legs followed by his black, wolf fur collard cape, and finally his armored leather gloves before strapping on his wide sword belt, the ornate sword in the scabbard. Once dressed he gave Whisper a quick brushing, making her gray coat shine. He did nothing to tame his own mass of hair. [color=8493ca]"Well, that about does it,"[/color] he said to Whisper, who responded with a short bark. With that he was off to the dinner, Whisper following behind. The dinner itself was to be expected, though the debauchery brought a piercing glare to Aldurin's eyes whenever his gaze passed over the dance floor. Whisper was laying behind his chair, gnawing on a large cow femur that Aldurin had requested from one of the servers. The steady sound of gnawing and bone cracking behind him was calming in a way. As for himself he was enjoying the spread of fine dishes and drink, especially the ale. Which he was told by the servers it was requested by the King himself. [color=8493ca]"I must say, King Alaric, you have quite the tongue for good ale,"[/color] he said loudly so the King could hear as he was seated a bit down the table. A pleased smile upon his scarred face.