[center][h1][color=004b80]Eric Fenris "Wolf"[/color][/h1][/center] I eyed the obnoxiously loud officer who had taken it upon himself to correct me in addressing Rin. Then to my slight surprise the Commander herself told him off a bit. Then she went to tell off another officer who thought to bring an assistant. 'Well, well, Rin here seems to have more sense about her head than most officers I've met.' I think to myself as more people arrive to the scene. Then Rin did something stupid. She threatened Lea. That is possibly the worst thing anyone could do, whether they meant it or not. It doesn't matter to me. Sighing heavily to myself I drop my bags to the floor and pinching my cigar between the fingers of my bionic prosthetic. Closing my eyes as I take a long drag. Then holding the cigar in my fake hand and blowing out the smoke in a long breath. After a small pause I reopen my eyes, lazily passing them by the stiff assed officer that tried correcting me. What was his name? Oh yea, Sharp."Look, [i]Sir[/i] I don't give a rat's hairy ass about your rank, her rank, or even my rank. You asked for me for this mission, so unless you failed to read my dossier then you knew what you were asking for when you put me on. You need someone who's good on the ground for this mission, so you asked for me. Now seeing as that's the case how bout you try prying that bug out your ass and relax a bit. Cause frankly, being tense on a mission like this isn't going to do you any good." I say with a smirk at the end. These puckered up officers are always amusing to deal with, but they always learn that I do what I need to do, and they should be thankful for that. Now as for Commander Rin, and her comments about my Lea. I take another quick drag off my cigar before turning to Rin."Now, no offence to you personally Rin. As I already kinda like you for telling ole stiff ass over here off for me. But here's the thing." My eyes turn from a lazy stare to a serious one as I place my hand atop Lea's head. Her soft warm fur under my hand calms me a bit, but not fully. "You've spoken to my previous Commander about, Lea here, and I appreciate that, but, and I'm going out of line here, I really don't like anyone threatening her. So please," I take a quick drag from my cigar before continuing, "just remember that and you'll have no problems from me." I flash a quick smirk at the pink haired officer. "Now that the annoying bit is out of the way can we get on with this mission. I suddenly feel like killing some UKD bastards," I add. My face transforming from serious back to a lazy smirk as I put the cigar back in my mouth and pick up my bags.