[hider=Zell Narukami] Name: Zell Narukami Appearance: [img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/943205619660e2a237344fda5c9c7bdb/tumblr_ns4qfos9v21ur58p8o2_r1_500.jpg[/img] Height/Weight: 5'10", 180 lbs Age: 23 Personality: Zell is a man whose been instilled with values.He is someone who believes strongly in being able to forge his own path by his own two hands. He's not opposed to fighting to protect his beliefs. Even if he looses. He's never set in his ways though he is constantly adapting to the world around him letting the way of the world help shape, define and re-define him. But his core beliefs never change. Fight for what you believe in, think with your head not your heart, if it's something that burns strongly within follow it. And help out those in need. Zell's reaction to people is initially friendly, however if they prove that they are against him or act to hurt someone without any provocation then he grows to dislike them. He's a charismatic person, he could persuade someone to do something for him. His ambitions lead him to a great path, the path shows the true side of him. He often respects his enemies in battle, humiliating them on the battle isn't his style. He has two major quirks to his personality, one being that be believes that the strongest beliefs always win. Regardless of the medium through which they are conveyed be it words or fists. The second quirk is a simple one. Living for yourself is the same as living for nothing. Live for others, don't only focus on yourself. Home Island/Sea: East Blue History: Zell was born in a nice kingdom of Goa. Subject to his loving parents, and an overwhelming amount of caring relatives and neighbors, he wanted for nothing as a child. When he was four, he had to say goodbye to Goa Kingdom, and move with his parents back down to Loguetown. They settled on Loguetown, and his parents set a business there. Between working out in the town, and managing his peace projects, his father was a very busy man, but he still made all the time he could to spend playing with his son. When he became old enough, he would follow him around all day while he took care of problems that had arisen and managing different aspects of the town. He was walking around the town with his father, something caught his eyes, a muscular man was punching on trees. Zell approached the man, and asked all about the man's tasks. Zell eyes stared at the dents on the stem and the scratches, he asked that man if he could teach him about martial art someday. When Zell turned 13, he decided to help that man, his job was to collect the broken wood from the trees. Zell taught by the man on how to punch properly when he reached the age of 14, Zell took a special class on the evening. When he turned to 16, he was able to punch through a plank. But, only in a small scale. He spent his free time training more on his martial arts after his father said that he should be able to protect everyone in the family. Zell trained hard and also worked hard to gain more knowledge. His parents was happy to see Zell.One day when Zell was 14 years old, A pirate crew stopped at his village, and went to the bar, they talked about Devil Fruits they got when they were sailing around the island. Zell read about Devil Fruits once, and the power was scary, but with such power, he could protect his family easily. He went to their ships, some people stood on the ships, guarding it. Zell approached them, and asked about a devil fruit. With his curiosity and cute face, they showed him the devil fruit, Zell glared at it, and took it instantly. Without any hesitation, he jumped to the sea because it was the fastest route to escape. They were chasing Zell, but Zell ate the fruit, he felt something weird, suddenly, he couldn't swim, and he lost his energy. Unfortunately, the pirates swam, and caught him. The furious captain came, and asked him about the devil fruit. When Zell told them that he ate it, they were furious, and wanted to kill him, but a villager who knew Zell called for help, the other villagers gathered, and asked the pirates to leave Zell alone. They released Zell, and Zell began to run away. The pirates took their swords, and advanced toward the villagers, the villagers stood up for Zell. Fortunately, a marine ship sailed toward the island, the marine ship was quite far, but if the pirates caused some trouble here, the marine would stop here, and caught them. One of the pirate crew spotted it, they decided to return to their ships, and flee. Zell found out his ability when he was training on the courtyard, suddenly his hands turned into blades when he tried to attack a dummy. Zell trained himself on his backyard, at first, it was a fail, he can't control the power, but after a lot of training, and dedication, he managed to turn his limbs into blade whenever he wanted to. When he turned 18, after more than a decade and a half of listening to his father's stories of the sea, he decided he wanted to go sail the sea too, his father experienced the sea at a very young age, Zell's grandfather always brought his father to every journey, they sailed around East Blue, but not all lands in East Blue explored, his grandfather wrote a journals about his journey, before he died, and he gave the journals to Zell's father. At first, his parents was afraid with Zell's decision. Luckily, the man who taught him everything interfered, saying Zell was more than prepared to go on his own adventure. His father worried, but couldn't stop him from leaving. Zell was aiming to find huge amount of treasures. To find a lot of treasure, you must become a strong person, he wanted a fame so much, so, the world will know about him, he need to be the strongest pirate, so, he can conquer the world easily, and find a lot of treasures. Hopefully, he can achieve him with individuals called as Nakamas. Fruit: Supa Supa no Mi (Dice Dice Fruit) Fighting style: He wields a single katana but mainly goes on hand-to-hand combat. This style is enhanced by his Fruit Power, it allows him to turn his limbs into blades, this can inflict a piercing damage or cuts to the target upon contact so he doesn't afraid to attack someone with bare fist. As a result, his main focus is on his martial arts. He also might use his gifts in Haki, but currently, they are inactive inside him unless he train himself to unlock it. Ship Positions: Fighter Bounty: 0 [/hider]