Rowan stepped forward, until he was stood in the middle of the room. A trick he had learnt from his father, standing in the middle of the room would subconsciously show people that you were in control. Of course, the Queen was probably not susceptible to petty mental tricks, but it had become a force of habit for Rowan. [color=ed1c24]“Well…”[/color] He said, thinking to himself for a minute. [color=ed1c24]“I suppose I thought it best to allow you and my father to discuss matters privately. As the two of you walked away I did say I hoped we could speak later on, and it seems that time has come, now.”[/color] Rowan turned his head away from her for a moment, surveying the room, before turning back to look at her. [color=ed1c24]“Do you remember that time, so many years ago when you came here, when we were both still children? Our fathers sat us down and told us that one day we would be married to each other. And I still remember what I said.[/color] [color=f7941d][b]‘Do I really have to marry her?’[/b][/color] “ Rowan reminisced, letting out a small chuckle. [color=ed1c24]“But in the time since, it seems you have grown into an intelligent, stunning woman. A woman I will feel privileged to wed.”[/color] He said, with a glint in his eyes, and a smile on his face. Little did Emilia know that behind that smile lay the silver tongue of a snake. [color=ed1c24]“The Kingdoms of Thirmos and Sevaviel will be united. And in time, I believe it may be in our best interests to take down Cylla.”[/color] His tone changed, as he spoke of more serious matters. [color=ed1c24]“That Kingdom of southern savages have been a thorn in the sides of both of our Kingdoms for too long. But with the combined military force of Thirmos and Sevaviel, they would stand no chance.”[/color] Rowan realised the risk of his forwardness about his wishes for war against Cylla. He had no idea whether she would agree with him or be wholly against it. But he felt he had to speak freely with the woman who would soon be his bride and Queen.