[centre][h1][b][u][color=007236]Grant Trinity[/color][/u][/b][/h1][/centre] Grant had been sipping from a bottle of Rum that he managed to scavenge from a tradesmen passing by recently. He was deep in his thoughts, a small painting inbetween two fingers. Scary as it was, he had to accept that his family were long gone, fallen apart and never to be seen again. He could see, Asartha...with the two children. They had to stand there for 4 hours whilst the kind man had painted that for them. It had been a few weeks before the Titan of Fire had actually appeared and killed them when it was made. It saddened him. Part of him wanted the revenge that they deserved, but the other part knew that wasn't what Asartha would've wanted. Violence towards other Humans was something not to be tolerated, at any cost. It was a survival game, and we were all in it together as humanity. He knew that what decisions he made could potentially make Asartha not regret dying in his arms. That was what terrified him... He was looking to the small sword on his left. He had only ever managed to scavenge a few Military swords and gases for his knicked 3DMG. That was what kept him alive if any Titans were to approach. No Titans ever approached, mind you, after they made a makeshift plughole for Yupian. Though Grant had no way of knowing whether it would break or not, and if he was going to perish or not. What was he talking about? He is the bloody Grim Titan! He can defend himself easily. [i]Can't he?[/i] But what was a man like himself going to do when he could be in the City, being executed for treason? He never wanted treason, and he got this? So many questions, so little answers. Suddenly, it hit him...the noise...in the main room. His senses kicked in, making him stand up, moving quickly to the room. Another Deer perhaps, meant dinner...a pursuer, meant that he was close to death. He went around the corner, and saw her... His face stopped, looking stunned. No, it wasn't a pursuer, but another Human. Why of all of them, was it this one? It had to be of the most highest strokes of luck for this to happen! Finally, face to face...standing shocked at the seeing of one another. She had no idea who he was, but he knew exactly who she was. He knew that she was responsible...He had a chance to finally end the nightmare and kill her right here, yet Asartha's voice was speaking to him. Grant didn't deny it, but ignored it. He looked at her, his eyes narrowing. The two were looking at each other, stunned that they had come across each other, her thinking that he was not supposed to be there, Grant thinking he wanted to end her life...He knew what she was. Finally...[i][b]Hope Ranavin...[/b][/i] [color=007236]"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"[/color] He reached out, over the counter. He pulled out a sword that wouldn't fit in 3DMG. The blade was curved and the steel was strong. His family sword that had been crafted and remodeled as he grew up. It still worked, and it still would cut through her nicely.