[center][color=pink][h1][u]Amelia[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3CO7xAd.png[/img][/center] Amelia quickly went over to her stand, pouring the remaining ales she had left into her wooden keg that was sitting off to the side of the table. It would be a waste of such good booze! The barrel had two straps on its body so Amelia could carry it on her back to become a mobile 'emergency' bar at some point. After placing the barrel on her back and putting the money in her pockets, she turned to the doctor ninja with a smile. [color=pink]"Oh! You wanted to know how much ethanol was in my drink? Sorry if I misunderstood! I have to say...uhm...fifteen to twenty percent of it is pure alcohol!"[/color] She responded back to him while the fireman spoke to the fishman. She wasn't quite concerned in taking precautions in joining the crew, she trusted the fishman's words. After revealing that the ninja was a doctor all long, it would make sense to her now, he was just being careful on how much he drinks. At least that is what she assumed. Her eyes scanned the many medical tools that the doctor possessed until she stopped and stared at...whatever the hell that was moving in the jar... [color=pink]"If it's too much for you sir, then I can brew up a lighter drink specifically made for you!"[/color] She spoke to him at a rather fast pace, being crept out by the contents of the jar. She then noticed the fishman was signaling for them to follow and scurried right behind him. As they entered the 'Rusty Wench', Amelia couldn't hide that she was a bit nervous in meeting the fishman's captain. She kept quiet for a moment and had her head down trying to avoid unnecessary attention from the other mean looking strangers inside the tavern. She awaited what the captain had to say about her brew. [color=pink][i]It's not that good...it could be better...[/i][/color] She thought to herself as her true potential was limited to what she had to work with currently. Still...it is a damn fine ale. [@Boss Muffin][@The Irish Tree][@Invisible][@Yorutenchi]