[center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/1f34c5fe1a612adf6d0bcd4baaad87b6.png[/img] [color=DCDCDC][b]"How I got Kidnapped"[/b][/color][/center] [color=DCDCDC][b]"I see...W-Well...I can't re-really use it then...B-B-But thank you very much!"[/b][/color] Leonard said, bowing slightly to her in a gracious manner. It was nice being offered something catch-free, even more-so since the girl was somewhat attractive. His attention was caught as they entered the bar, when the woman offered to make him a lighter drink, to which he replied: [color=DCDCDC][b]"N-No thank you...I'm a light drinker, b-but I only drink when there's blood."[/b][/color] he says, immediately realizing how much he fucked that statement up. [color=DCDCDC][b]"I-I-I MEAN! I-I don't drink blood, I-I just c-c-can't be completely sober when there's lots sp-sp-spewing out..."[/b][/color] he tried to clarify, a tinge of red growing on his cheeks, which was impossible to ignore given how ghastly pale he was. Fidgeting nervously as he stepped into the tavern, Leonard glanced around at all the patrons of this fine establishment, and was very glad that he had a nine something feet tall Fish-Man in front of him. Sticking close to Abel, Leonard waited patiently for when he would meet whoever needed medical attention...only for said person to be made the boot of a joke, one that wasn't particularly funny to him. Staring blankly, Leonard was about to say something before he heard the part about "Crew Members"...Were they pirates!? [url=https://i.gyazo.com/839e3832bfe40f85157120f3965d0b7c.png]Oh god, they LOOKED LIKE PIRATES TOO! AND THEY SMELT HORRIBLE, JUST LIKE PIRATES![/url] Nearly falling backwards at the prospect of basically being forced into a pirate crew, Leonard finally voiced his concerns: [color=DCDCDC][b]"Y-You didn't say anything about joining a-a-a crew! O-Or that...that you were a pirate!"[/b][/color] he says, sounding incredibly alarmed as he started to back away slowly. Being told that you were going to join a pirate crew was quite a lot to drop on a guy all at once, after all.