I made a low growling sound deep in my throat pulling out two of my 3DMG blades holding the handles tightly in my hands. Of course I can't recognize them, or at least remember them, so they easily became a threat to me. I tried my best to resist bursting into flames, thinking that this person was a normal human and would want to kill me even more if I tried. Questions were zooming through my mind about why this person is here, or why they wanted to attack me as if they know who I am. I tried my best to ignore the questions and go back to concentrating on the man, slowly backing towards the door keeping my blades out in front of me while I faced the person. I didn't want to answer his question, thinking that if I answered incorrectly it could get me killed in seconds. Once I was an inch or two from the doorway I moved my self slowly up and down against the handle, hoping that it wasn't very noticeable to him. When I heard a quiet [i]click[/i] with the door opening against my back, I turned speeding through the windmill and back to my horse. I quickly put both of my blades into my left hand then climbed onto the horse turning it around, and galloping a few feet away from the windmill and the man that stood in the open doorway.