[center][@Tigger] - [@Aspen Wren] - [@XxLyraxX][/center] [hr] [center][h3][color=a187be]Kleo Daniels[/color][/h3][/center] Was smiling widely as everyone prepared to make the short journey to the Bed and Breakfast, her lips gently parted to bare the pearly whites hidden beneath before her expression would melt, a more stern and serious look taking over as she heard the approach of familiar steps, the bulky weight of the Alpha male was making approach. "[color=lightsteelblue]Bronze, Kleo, We have something we need to discuss.[/color]" she'd hear coming from his harsh and obviously concerned nature. It was his duty to protect and the vibes he was producing scent Kleo into alert as she perked up and watched him with wide amber hues, arms still grasped around wriggling pup who waved vigorously at his Alpha having no understanding of some things that meant seriousness. "[color=a187be]Niall! What is it? Is something wrong?[/color]" she'd snap in a calm yet curious tone, she took her role seriously as second in charge and with young around she was eager to know anything and everything that could produce harm towards them. "[color=a187be]Let's all go inside and we can sit down to talk,[/color]" she'd quickly offer as she turned to enter back into the cabin, right inside the door to the right was a small dining area with a wooden table and 4 chairs, she'd place Tyrone down eventually and place slender digits upon his head, her voice soft as she knew he'd be upset food wasn't coming yet, "[color=a187be]We'll go get food in a moment, be patient.[/color]" [hr] [center][h3][color=a2d39c]Tyrone Daniels[/color][/h3][/center] Continued to wriggle within mothers grasp, his energy higher than most grown wolves as he was of course just a pup and what did pups do best? They played, ran and hassled the rest as he eagerly bounced in anticipation of the coming meal, though he was distracted for a moment when he saw the larger, muscular figure of his leader approach. One hand quickly raising as he allowed small hand to flap back and forth in friendly gesture of greeting, "[color=a2d39c]Niall! Niall! Hello![/color]" he'd repeat the name after his mother although it wasn't 100% perfectly pronounced as he smiled and then looked back to Bronze before his mother. He could pick up on the change in tones and obvious behavior as he listened to what was said, "[color=a2d39c]But I'm hungry...[/color]" the soft now saddened voice emerged from young boys vocals as he was slowly carried back inside and placed on his own two feet. Hands reaching up as he grabbed at his mums lower shirt and grumbled, "[color=a2d39c]What about Breakfast?[/color]" he'd huff as he stomped on his feet, though he knew better than to misbehave to much around the alpha so he calmed partially and moved to sit cross legged on the floor. Bright sapphire hues staring at all the adults before he'd get up and start wandering about the small cabin searching for something to do.