[quote=@supertinyking] [@Wraithblade6] "...Hmm..how did the great philospher put it?....I don't give a single, solitary fuck!" Jackie sings out, sorta hoping about. Gorda looks at the portal itself. "Currently, I am scanning this portal..the energy signature feels..very strong. I'm trying to act like a shoe in the door, keeping it from closing. Even if I am split in two, my memory banks are located in my torso, not my head, so even if it takes off my head, I'll be fine..." Gorda says. Jackie then freezes. "..Waaaiit, humans are going to be hunted?...that..sorta sounds like fun..to be honest. Not humanity getting slaughtered..but the fight. Can I join in?" Jackie asks, before, from the portal, a long metal appears though the portal, wrapping around Jackie's legs, before she is dragged back though the portal. "...Sorry...I..just..I can't stand her at times, and I didn't want to have to come though the portal to stop her if she decided to disregard your answer..." Gorda says, sounding a little annoyed. [/quote] Mithias stood glaring at Jackie, just with a look of utter dumfoundedness and dejection at her level of boisterous idiocy. Finally, he bothered to reveal his thoughts, and immediately thereafter regretted it. His eye twitched. "... Fighting means getting slaughtered." He said to her. He was deeply thankful when Jakie got ripped back into the portal. "Gorda. Hold that portal for another moment." Mithias concentrated again on an area next to Gorda's portal, and then another portal opened. Mithias seemed to smile just slightly at his success. "Ah... Now let me see." Carefully, he lifted one hand at one portal and the other at Gorda and slowly gestured them together. The window to the other, unknown world floated closer and closer toward Gorda's head, until at last he could peer into it from his position half sticking out of his own portal. "There." Mithias said, the lights of the swirling portals reflecting off his eyes. Suddenly Gorda could see them. A heard of fanged pink unicorn were stampeding at him. Hooves sparking dangerously, flames in their eyes. They crashed through the one portal into the other and Mithias watched in awe as he conducted the whole thing before him.