[center][b]Alexandria[/b][/center] I could hear shuffling coming from the back, a low moan sounding off as well and I didn't need to walk around the building to figure out there was a walker back behind the store. I sighed and instead walked up to the front door and noticed it wasn't completely closed up but that it was slightly opened up. I glanced around me to see if there were any walkers headed our way, nothing. Looking down at Missy Bleu mumbling, [b]"'Kay girl, scout out."[/b] I smirked as she got up from the ground and shoot out her fur and watched as dirt flew in every direction possible, then padded off to do as I had asked. [b]"Good girl,"[/b] I called after her then looked back at the door, narrowing my eyebrows. [i]"Alright.. here goes nothin.."[/i] I set my crossbow down and take a deep breath, running up on the door and ramming my shoulder into it, pushing some of the stuff behind the door aside. [b]"Fuck.."[/b] I grit my teeth and rub my shoulder, about to take a step inside when I hear a masculine voice behind me causing me to jump a bit and whip around. I bend down and grab my crossbow out of pure reflex, training the cross hairs on the man's forehead and advancing slowly by the time he had finished speaking. I take a good look at him, noticing where his weapon is and that he neither has it in his hands nor is he reaching for it. [i]"Better not take my chances.. been there before."[/i] I thought to myself. Missy was now at my side with her head low and teeth bared, the fur on her back and neck standing on end as she growls at the foreign man. [b]"I don't see any reason that this can't be civil, but I've been screwed over by people I thought I could trust before. What makes you think I'm going to trust you so easily just because you have your hand off of your gun?"[/b] I keep my eyes trained on him just as Missy does beside me as well, my crossbow still up and aimed.