“Unit identification code: 0.18462958.” Kate repeated. Why did that sound so familiar? She didn’t want to be rude to the robot by any means, so she pushed that thought out of her mind to allow the robot to continue to speak. Then it hit her, like a ton of bricks. “OF COURSE! Project Sektor! “I started that project years ago…I didn’t think that the government had any interest though…” Her thoughts trailed off, leaving her to stare in wonder at the robot in front of her. “But…you’re real…so someone had to have made you…” She tried looking around the robot once more as he continued on about protection protocols and what-not, looking for a factory logo or…something. But there was none. “Strange…district Zero huh?” She repeated, the gears in her head working hard. “I uh…what? Protect?” She blinked her bright eyes for a moment, trying to process all of this information as best as she could, but even she, the smartest student this city has seen in years, had her limits. Had she been paying more attention, she would have noticed the rather rough-around-the-edges man in the area, but she nearly jumped out of her skin when he spoke. “Hey, um…are you okay?” She asked not sure whether or not she could trust this guy now or not. But she wasn’t too afraid; she fully well knew the capabilities of this robot next to her. She had designed it after all… “Do…do you need me to call you a cab or something?” --------------------------------- Deon watched as James stood up and accepted his challenge and with a rather arrogant smirk on his face, he set the bottle of alcohol down on the bar next to Vander and moved to follow after him, but a bony hand had caught his arm. Turning to look back, he caught Vander’s gaze, and her bargain. His smile faded a bit to his more hardened expression, his eyes growing dark with a scowl as he ripped his hand from her and turned to follow James without saying anything to her. No way was he going to just throw this match. He had his choice of girls all over this bar, and he didn’t have to give up a fight to sleep with them tonight. It was her loss really. Upon entering the ring behind James, the gate was closed, confining them to the cold metal cage of the small arena. Deon peeled off his wife-beater and tossed it through the gap between two bars to a group of practically crying women and watched for a bit as they fought amongst themselves as to who would take the sweaty wife-beater home. He once again craned his neck and looked to James on his opposite side and cracked his knuckles. The slight intoxication he was sporting earlier seemed to melt off of him as he took his fighters stance and narrowed his eyes at James. Well…he wasn’t going to be going home with that girl tonight, but at least he could get in a good ass-wooping to this rich boy before the night was through. “Alright Richy Richardson, let’s see if daddy taught you how to fight.”