[h2]Cobalt Chideta-Grimm Studies[/h2] Cobalt walked into class with an excited look on his face. His brush with death was all but forgotten as he looked around the classroom/hall in wonder. The Grimm Studies at his old school was crazy exciting, he wondered how amazing it would be at an amazing school like Beacon! Would they bring actual Grimm to fight? That would be awesome. Cobalt sat down at his desk (with some trouble, they really needed bigger desks) and gently tossed his backpack next to him. There was an empty seat on either side of him, but he had a feeling that nobody would be sitting next to him. The look on his face was less, "excited and ready to learn", and more like, "I can't wait to kill things and beat up monsters". The woes of being large and intimidating. He had the sudden realization that he left his wallet with Oswald and cursed lightly under his breath. "I hope that he has this class as well, I don't trust myself to remember after this spectacular class." He considered getting out his Scroll to leave himself a reminder but it was in his backpack which was kinda far away. Probably shouldn't have tossed it.