[@NarcissisticPotato] Hey Potato, welcome back. As someone who has that problem from time to time too let me make a suggestion. If this starts/still is using up too much time, refrain from group scenes and stick to more one-on-one stuff on TitanPad. I'm currently a student doing both a BTEC and an A Level. Which basically means I'm over-working. However I manage to keep up with the forum because all the things I write are with one person or another on Titanpad. Once this current group scene has finished, I'd recommend you keep to that for now. I mean currently I'm writing scenes quietly with Pirouette and Winter, and I'm still perfectly capable of getting all my homework done, getting to school and writing stuff. Just make sure whatever you do is flexible. For example, don't let it be like the one I did with Star where her character was basically MIA for a while until we could post the scene I did with Eyeris. Does this all make sense? Again, I know you can't do this yet but as soon as you get out of this current scene, stick to one-on-one. It might make you life a little easier.