[@Ayla] [center][h3] Clayton [/h3][/center] Clay waited a moment allowing Willow to get sone distance before he left the room, he felt that he had made things awkward and would try to avoid her and the memories she brought him for a while. Slipping out the back of the bed-and-breakfast he avoided any other people where he could. Noticing Nialle he waited until he had entered the room before continuing on. Once outside Clay strolled down the street as though he was on familiar ground, each purposeful step, deliberate and rehearsed leading him to his destination as if he knew where he was going. There was a hint of lost awe in his eye as he looked around at the passing environment, seeing what is and what was. A short time later he found himself standing out the front of a... A clothing store... Something comical brings a smile across his lips as he scratches his head while looking through the window. Window gazing wasn't enough, Clay soon walks inside, his casual stride taking him straight past Ayla whom he didn't seem to notice, in fact he didn't seem to notice much since it wasn't the fabric or clothes he was looking at but the structure of the room itself.