[hider=Classification of Residency by Population] [center][b]Classifications of Residency by Population[/b][/center] [b]Hamlet[/b] – Population of 20-80. [b]Village[/b] – Population of 80-900. [b]Small Town[/b] – Population of 900-2,000. [b]Large Town[/b] – Population of 2,000-5,000. [b]Small City[/b] – Population of 5,000-12,000. [b]Large City[/b] – Population of 12,000-25,000 [b]Metropolis[/b] – Population of 25,000+ [/hider] [hider=Racial Lifespans] [center][b]Racial Lifespans[/b][/center] [b]Human[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-12 Months [*]Childhood 1-11 [*]Adolescents 12-16 [*]Adulthood 17-29 [*]Middle Age 30-44 [*]Old Age 45+ [*]Average Lifespan 60 [*]Max Lifespan 110 [/list] [b]Dwarf[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-2 Years [*]Childhood 2-15 [*]Adolescent 16-28 [*]Adulthood 29-199 [*]Middle Age 200-325 [*]Old Age 326+ [*]Average Lifespan 400 [*]Max Lifespan 700 [/list] [b]Elf[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-4 Years [*]Childhood 5-18 [*]Adolescents 19-34 [*]Adulthood 35-299 [*]Middle Age 300-500 [*]Old Age 501+ [*]Average Lifespan 600 [*]Max Lifespan 1000+ [/list] [b]Halfing[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-18 Months [*]Childhood 2-13 [*]Adolescents 14-20 [*]Adulthood 21-44 [*]Middle Age 45-70 [*]Old Age 71+ [*]Average Lifespan 90 [*]Max Lifespan 150 [/list] [b]Gnome[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-18 Months [*]Childhood 2-13 [*]Adolescents 14-20 [*]Adulthood 21-44 [*]Middle Age 45-70 [*]Old Age 71+ [*]Average Lifespan 90 [*]Max Lifespan 150 [/list] [b]Orc[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-6 Months (Roughly) [*]Childhood 1/2-8 [*]Adolescents 9-14 [*]Adulthood 15-25 [*]Middle Age 26-50 [*]Old Age 51+ [*]Average Lifespan 35 [*]Max Lifespan 120 [/list] [b]Goblins[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-6 Months (Roughly) [*]Childhood 1/2-6 [*]Adolescents 7-13 [*]Adulthood 14-29 [*]Middle Age 30-54 [*]Old Age 55+ [*]Average Lifespan 40 [*]Max Lifespan 90 [/list] [b]Tiefling[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-4 Months (Roughly) [*]Childhood 0.5-5 [*]Adolescents 5-15 [*]Adulthood 16-29 [*]Middle Age 30-64 [*]Old Age 65+ [*]Average Lifespan 80 [*]Max Lifespan 1000+ [/list] [/hider] [hider=Rankings, Titles, and Social Labels] [hider=Social and Military] [h2][center][b][color=a2d39c]Social and Military Rankings[/color][/b][/center][/h2] [hider=Note] The section below lists the [color=a2d39c]social[/color] classes from top to bottom, in order. Within these labels, possible [color=ed1c24]military[/color] and [color=00aeef]magic[/color] ranks that can be achieved by that social class are listed. A social class may hold any of the titles or ranks of the class above them. For example: Lords do not automatically become generals, and must begin where they are deemed fit, yet never the lowly rank of soldier, but the common folk may not exceed the rank of soldier until they are promoted to an armsman. [i][b]*Note:[/b][/i] Armsman and Knight are Military Promotions. The title of Earl, is given by Duke, is given by Lord, is given by the King.[/hider] [color=a2d39c][b]Citizens/Commonfolk:[/b][/color] The everyday freeman, citydweller, farmer, and so forth. May not own land. [color=ed1c24][b]-Soldiers/Conscripts:[/b][/color] Archers/pikemen/bannermen etc. [color=00aeef][b]-Intiate:[/b][/color] Those who are just beginning a formal education of Magic [color=00aeef][b]-Novice:[/b][/color] Those who have officially been taught the fundamental and basic principles of magic. [color=a2d39c][b]Armsmen:[/b][/color] Serve a knight directly and may hold or manage manors and small plots of land.  [color=00aeef][b]-Apprentice:[/b][/color] Someone who has agreed to learn magic volunteerily, or otherwise. [color=00aeef][b]-Adept:[/b][/color] Someone who is skilled, and proficient in magic. [color=a2d39c][b]Knight:[/b][/color] Serve an Earl directly. May own larger plots of land and manors, and overseer a village or township and raise a levy. [color=ed1c24][b]-Sergeant:[/b][/color] Squad ( 4-10 Soldiers) [color=ed1c24][b]-Lieutenant:[/b][/color] Platoon, 3-4 Squads. (16 -40 Soldiers) [color=00aeef][b]-Wizard/Mage:[/b][/color] A person highly skilled, and proficient in magic. Allowed to take on students. [color=a2d39c][b]Earl:[/b][/color] Overseer of a collection of villages/small area and usually has several local knights as armsmen, likewise with their levies. [color=ed1c24][b]-Captain:[/b][/color] Company, 3-4 Platoons. (100-200 Soldiers) [color=00aeef][b]-Master Wizard:[/b][/color] Someone with mastery of their magic, able to perform great and skillful feats. Allowed to command a Team (2-5) of Wizards, or Mages, or teach a class of Adepts or lower. [color=a2d39c][b]Duke:[/b][/color] Usually controls a large city and has both Earls and Knights as sworn armsmen, plus the levies from his lands. [color=ed1c24][b]-Lieutenant Colonel:[/b][/color] Battalion, 3-5 Companies. (500-900 Soldiers) [color=ed1c24][b]-Colonel:[/b][/color] Brigade, 3 or more Battalions. (3,000-5,000 Soldiers) [color=a2d39c][b]Lord:[/b][/color] A step below the royal family. May hold a county and all cities/communities therein. All dukes/earls/knights in this territory are his sworn armsmen. [color=ed1c24][b]-Major General:[/b][/color] Division, 3 Brigades. (10,000-18,000 Soldiers) [color=ed1c24][b]-Lieutenant General:[/b][/color] Regiment, 2-5 Divisions. (20,000-90,000 Soldiers) [color=ed1c24][b]-General:[/b][/color] Field Army, 2-5 Regiments. (40,000-450,000 Soldiers) [color=00aeef][b]-Archmage:[/b][/color] A wizard, or mage, who governs all other magic users. Allowed to command a Team (2-5) Wizards, or Mages, or teach a class of Masters or lower. [color=a2d39c]King:[/color] The end all of the hierarchy; all knights/earls/dukes/lords/wizards are sworn to him and all armies are his. He may have generals (often the most experienced) to advise him, and even if he follows their advice, his word is law. [color=a2d39c]-Queen:[/color] The second-to-last of the hierarchy; holding authority and command just below the king. Though she does not posses military authority. [color=a2d39c]-Prince/Princess:[/color] Third in command and authority below the King, and Queen. They do not hold political, or military authority. [/hider][hider=Religion of the Millennium Hand] [center][b][h2][color=linen]Religious Rankings and Titles[/color][/h2][/b][/center] [color=aba000][b]Worshipper:[/b][/color] A person who regularily follows and devotes their life to the teachings of a religion. [color=aba000][b]Clergyman/Clergywoman:[/b][/color] A member of a church order, often empowered to do minor, miscelaneous duties during congregation, such as collecting donations, singing, or personal tasks for higher ranking spiritual leaders, such as laundry, cleaning, and other miniscule duties. [color=aba000][b]Preacher:[/b][/color] A member of the clergy empowered to hold congregations and teachings. Preachers are able to absolve sins, and host a confessional. They Empowered to convey holy orders from Pastors. [color=aba000][b]Pastor:[/b][/color] A trusted member of the clergy who oversees a single church or religious grouping. Pastors are empowered to convey holy orders from Bishops. [color=aba000][b]Elder:[/b][/color] A senior, respected member of the church whose opinion is highly valued, and though holding no official authoritity over the clergy or congregation, their advice is often heeded. Elders are often retired members of the clergy. [color=aba000][b]Bishop:[/b][/color] A senior and most trusted member of a religious clergy often in charge of a particular religious district and empowered to confer holy orders from the Archbishop. [color=aba000][b]Archbishop:[/b][/color] A religious member of the highest rank who governs all of the churches, groups, or other religious gatherings of their order. The Archbishop holds the highest spiritual authoritiy. [/hider] [/hider]