[hr][h1][i][color=dodgerblue]Lihua Vuhong[/color], & [color=green]Michelle Gallus[/color].[/i][/h1][hr] [b][i]Minutes before Quentin's interview...[/i][/b] "[i]I can't believe this![/i]" Michelle shouted, putting her sole hand on the side of her head. Her other arm was a tightly wrapped gauze bandage. She'll remember what Big Dong did to her... and she wanted to make him pay, but it was already over. She already defeated him. She was standing in the ruined lobby of the NEST Headquarters. Fortunately, this was once of the first places they cleaned up, so the rubble and bodies were gone. The front desk was still blown in half, though. Honestly. Michelle couldn't give a fuck about the state of the building. It turned out that everyone in NEST was being strung along by the Director's game. That [i]bitch[/i] organized a terrorist attack just so NEST could look good destroying them. And now the Hands of Science were pulling [i]everyone's[/i] strings like they're [i]fucking[/i] puppets. "It was great working with some of you, but I'm [i]out[/i]." She reached for her chest, and put her badge on one side of the desk. Michelle couldn't take the level of corruption and the blatant disregard for the people at large (Like they're [i]cogs[/i]). Right when Michelle turned around, she heard someone walking up. She recognized her scent, too. "... But Agent Gallus, we need you more than anything." Lihua said as she walking up, swaying her hips. She stopped, and looked up at Michelle. "You know that there's corruption in the Agency..." She tilted her eyes down a little, and let the sunlight reflect off her glasses. "... A [i]deep rooted[/i] corruption." "And? I doubt you give two shits that I'm out - you're probably [i]glad[/i] I'm leaving." Michelle hissed in response. What was her angle? Michelle and Lihua didn't get along all that much. "On the contrary, I value your addition to NEST. Because it's apparent now more than ever that NEST needs reliable Agents that have not been corrupted. And we are interrogating the Scientists, and there are at least [i]ten[/i] other Hands of Science facilities in [i]Verthaven[/i]." "You just care about your job, right?" Letting out a sigh of exasperation, Lihua crossed her arms and closed her eyes. [i]Am I this obsessed with my work...?[/i] She thought to herself. It always come back down to her dedication to her job. "... Yes, it is true that I am dedicated to my job." Lihua started off, and seemingly confirmed what Michelle was thinking - but she doubled back and said, "But, I also care about bringing order to the city, and taking the Hands of Science, and the Changeling, out of the picture. Because what they've been doing is utterly inexcusable, and they're a threat to public safety." [i]And both organizations are a threat to my daughters.[/i] Lihua thought to herself. "Hmph." Michelle said, briefly wondering if Lihua here was just pulling her heartstrings. "Maybe you're right, but..." Michelle turned her head over to her gauze-wrapped bandage, and the stump that used to be her arm. "... I'm out of commission until I get the good old arm back - which the doctors say could take months." "Even with your injuries... you can still contribute to NEST, [i]and[/i] once your wounds heal, you'll be back in business. Believe me, everyone hates what Caryl did - even me - but we can't just give up when there's an even larger threat pulling the strings." Lihua put her hand up triumphantly. "Who knows what they'll do if we don't stop them." Michelle walked back over to the desk, and put her badge back on. "Yeah, yeah, I get it... save the valiance for later. I'm still on the force." She laughed. "Very well." Lihua said, "Now, there is other business I have to tend to if you excuse me." "I'll hold the fort here." Michelle said, crossing her arm. Lihua walked up to one of the elevators, before she pressed the button to take her to the eighth floor. Where the hospital was. [hr][h1][i]Heartbreaker, and...[/i][/h1][hider=Massive Attack - Angel][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiK2JlBpzvI[/youtube][/hider][hr] [b][u]1:26 Am, the next day[/u][/b] ".... So what do ya' say, Nemesis?!" Heartbreaker put her hand out to the holding mass of anger right in front of her. Her other hand was occupied by holding the briefcase full of all the money she received from the job. Both of them were standing in complete darkness on the stone sidewalks of the ghost town (Since it was abandoned, they didn't have to turn on the streetlight). "Join the Changeling unit? We could use a strong silent type like you." The Nemesis was motionless, like a statue. As it's eyes flashed a bright red color. It turned around, and began walking away. "Ugh, Nemesis, what do you expect to live out the rest of your life in this shitty ghost town?" Heartbreaker said, taking steps towards it, raising her finger. It made the Nemesis stop, and look over it's broad shoulder. "Don't you understand there ain't no future for you out here? Worst case, NEST finds out about you, and then you're going to be covered in containment foam, and you're going to be rotting a NEST cell - that is if you don't get handed over to the good old ISD for them to prod your ass." The Nemesis didn't even acknowledge her. It merely began it's march into the ruins of the Ghost Town. Heartbreaker just shook her head, and said, "... [i]Good luck.[/i]" As the brute walked. [i]Because you'll fuckin' need it.[/i] Heartbreaker thought to herself. Well, if that freaks wants to go it alone, then fine. He was none of her business, and the same goes for the Changeling Unit. She just tipped her hat, and walked down the nearest alleyway. Thank God that people fear this part of the city, otherwise she'd have to worry about being subtle. A blue swirling portal opened up in front of her, and lead into a dark room. Which Heartbreaker gleefully stepped through. Though, the Changeling unit was going have to use a [i]lot[/i] more subtly from here on in. The room was dark, and Heartbreaker just stood there. "... I take it we gained [i]something[/i] out of this, Natalie." A voice in the shadows said, as his figure was illuminated by a lighter. A cherry smoke filled her nostrils as she looked at him. Tall-ish, had European facial features (Obviously Spanish), and was pretty muscular. He had curly black hair that had a few strands hanging in front of his face. "Yep, Luis, I got us a few grand." Heartbreaker held the briefcase in air, and Luis walked over to her, and grabbed the briefcase with one hand. He examined the case for a moment, turning it so he could take a good look at every corner. He put it on the table, and opened it, and just as Heartbreaker promised, there was a few thousand dollars in it. Excellent. However, he closed the brief case and threw it over his shoulder like he was bored of it. "[i]What the hell, Luis?![/i]" Heartbreaker shouted. "The money isn't important." Luis said. "Those H-o-S fuckers outed us. Which means our job is going to get a [i]lot[/i] harder." "I get the feeling that someone's trying to drag [i]us[/i] down with the Hands. I don't fucking get it, we're just trying to make an honest business." Heartbreaker shrugged. "I bet NEST is going to be trying to set up traps for us." "Exactly... Which is why we need a leverage." Luis said. "Hm?" Heartbreaker asked. "We may be powerful..." Luis walked a circle around Heartbreaker, "But, can't take on NEST on our own. The Hands might, but we're much smaller. However, if we had something that'd put us on even terms with them... hmmmm...." "I don't know how the hell are we going to pull magic leverage out of our ass," Heartbreaker rolled her eyes. "But okay." "The Changelings have business to attend to... but, I want you, and Mannequin, to go grab some of our members and... just keep an eye on Verthaven. Maybe play nice with the Hands of Science." Heartbreaker smirked. "Sure, thing, boss." "Let's go... the boys are playing poker in the back." Luis gestured for Heartbreaker to come along. [hr][h1][i][color=dodgerblue]Lihua[/color], [color=red]Meifeng[/color], [color=Aqua]Jennifer[/color], [color=plum]Trevor[/color], & Penny.[/i][/h1] [hider=Kill la Kill OST - Till I Die (nZk ver)][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBK2Ud07gbA[/youtube][/hider][hr] [b][u]9:51 AM[/u][/b] It was a bit hectic, being questioned by NEST about what happened. Fortunately, Jen managed to spin a lie or two about her power, and convinced that them she isn't a Metahuman at all. Good thing, too. The NEST leak hit every major social media site out there, and it turned out that NEST was working [i]with[/i] those Hands of Whackjobs. It really assured her that she was right in not going to NEST right off the bat. Now, Jen was in the NEST hospital section - well, outside of one of the hospital rooms. She was in the hallway, which, like the rest of the base, was not in good shape. She walked over to a fountain, and knelt forward over it to get some water. Dear God, every time she closed her eyes, she was reminded of the familiar pain of surviving what no girl should have. And that made her... she didn't know. Maybe she should just lock herself in her house, and never come back out again. That sounds like a good idea at this point. She splashed her face with some of the water. She reached down just to drink a little bit more, before raising her head, and the first thing she saw as Penny, the girl who she helped nights ago, standing right there. "Hey, uh, Penny..." Jennifer said at a lost for words. "Glad you're... alive." Penny said, looking away. "That means it worked." "What worked...?" Jennifer asked, hoping to get the answer. "Jen, right? You see, I... I can give people powers. Only physical boosts like strength, and regeneration - [i]What I gave you.[/i]" Penny let the words hang in the air a bit. "You were shot... and I... I... panicked and gave you the best regeneration I could." That's what it was? Jenny thought that her latent power had just awakened the moment she needed it the most. She didn't know how to respond. She found herself stumbling for words. Before she gathered herself to say, "[i]Thank you.[/i]" Penny nodded, and answered, "Your welcome... I know it feels a bit awkward, but it feels great knowing I saved your life." "Penny, I have some questions about you." Jenny leaned up against the fountain, and faced the youth. "What's your story? What lead to you getting chased by the Pure?" "I... should start from the beginning..." Penny leaned up against the wall not to far away from Jen. "It started when my power developed a few years back... I was from Iowa, and I accidentally gave my mom super strength. It... felt amazing, actually. The ability to give people superpowers, and I wanted to share the gift. I gave it to everyone I could, family, friends, my teacher. NEST caught me, but then one of their Agents [i]sold[/i] me to them." Penny looked away for a moment. "The Hands of Science." Jennifer confirmed. "It wasn't even all that bad, they treated me well. They gave me food, took me outside, and let me play games and stuff. They just made me give people powers - but I knew what was happening to [i]those[/i] people. It tore me up knowing I was responsible for that kind of suffering." "I can understand that." Jennifer added. "They kept transferring me to other bases, for years in fact. [i]Somewhere[/i] they messed up, outside of Verthaven, and I managed to get free. I started running around Verthaven, trying to survive." She continued her story, which slowly pieced together what happened to the girl for Jennifer. "I knew that NEST was on their side, so I couldn't go to them, I felt hopeless. Then, I accidentally gave someone powers, and they came after me. Then I met you that night..." "That's... [i]rough[/i]." Jennifer said, scratching the back of her neck as she mentally punched herself in the face for such a statement. "I... can put together what happened from there..." [i]And the mere memory haunts me to this very moment.[/i] Jennifer thought to herself. So. It turned out that this girl was responsible for her power. "You should stick with me. I'll keep you safe." Jennifer said. "Really?" Penny asked. Before Jennifer stepped over to her, and gave her a hug - which the girl returned. "Yeah..." Jen assured her. Wondering if she could honestly keep that promise. Especially when she can't stay safe herself. She just went with it. Tried to remain idealistic and happy. Holding her hand, Jennifer lead Penny back into the hospital room where Meifeng was. They stepped through the doors, and they saw Meifeng, in a hospital gown, sitting on the side of the bed as she looked at her face in the mirror. Her eyes... they were filled with a sorrow. The subject of her examination was clearly the bandages on her face. An ugly wound underneath that ruined a beautiful face. Jennifer knew how Meifeng felt, feeling that it was redundant to even ask. "Oh good. You two found me." Meifeng rolled her eyes, and sat down, and crossed her arm. "Meifeng...?" Jennifer asked her, taking a few steps towards her (and away from Penny). "Are you okay?" "I'll be honest when I say, no." Meifeng said. "My face almost got cut open, and I still [i]can't[/i] stop thinking about what happened." "I can't either... It..." Jennifer reached down, and put her fingers to her chest. "... [i]Was fucked up.[/i]" Jennifer swore to empathize her point. There was still plenty Meifeng had on her chest, and "was fucked up" was just the start, really. "I really wanted to talk to you about what you did last night." [i]Oh, that?[/i] Jen thought to herself as she pulled on the collar of her gown. Harder than ever. She would rather not. "What about it?" "I don't know what to think about it...." Meifeng started off, curling up, and hugging her legs around her arms. "Part of me thanks you... but another part of me hates myself for letting you take a risk that could have [i]killed[/i] you like that...." Jennifer didn't know what to say about it, either. Jen's eyes drifted downwards towards Penny, then to the other side. She was gathering herself. She quickly clenched her fist, and stepped up. Clenching her fist as she spoke so passionately, "I know it was stupid, but when I saw that thing charging for you, I didn't know what [i]else[/i] to do. Tell you to watch out? That thing would have tore through you. I knew that if anyone had a chance of surviving that, it'd be [i]me[/i]. I took the risk because I knew I couldn't live with it if I [i]didn't![/i]" Tears started rolling down her eyes. The water works continued as Jen continued her speech, "It hurt so much, but I knew it was [i]worth it![/i] Yeah! Because, I'm a [i]cockroach[/i] through and through, Meifeng! I did it because while I can't die, it doesn't mean that you can't, either!" Meifeng smiled. She hadn't felt so uplifted in ages now. She was filled with assurance from both Anna and Jen that made her happy. Hopeful for the future. She realized that, even with these scars, she gained wisdom, friendship, and a whole new level of understanding. "[i]Thank you.[/i]" Was all Meifeng could say. Jen stepped over and gave Meifeng a hug. Their moment was touching, but it was interrupted by two people just barged into the room, nearly knocking Penny over with their triumphant entry. "[i]Hello, ladies![/i]" A boy, that had black hair and blue eyes, that Jennifer knew was [i]Trevor[/i], loudly announced. "[i]Missed me?![/i]" Jennifer never really noticed how effeminate he looks with his long, womanly, hair, and soft facial features. The other person who stepped in was a short woman in her early twenties with red hair. She had on a NEST Uniform, which had a Emblem on it that signified that she was a Private. She meekly stepped to the side, and put her hands behind her back. Though, the room was oddly unreceptive to his response. "What? What?" Trevor looked around the room, before he centered his gaze on Meifeng. "It's time for Dr. Obott to prescribe his special medication like asked!" "Yeah, I hope it helps...." Meifeng trailed off, as she slowly undid the bandages over her face. Revealing the nasty wounds that she received. Crusted with scabs, it didn't look pretty. Jennifer wretched in the background. He decided to lighten the mood, "You look like you got fucked by a Honey Badger." Trevor said to Meifeng with a wide smirk on his face, even going so far as to point at her. Meifeng looked at Trevor for a moment, mouth open. "[i]Exactly.[/i]" She replied. "C'mon, Trev, can you fix it?" She said with a side grin. "Ooh, could I kiss it, or your lips if you're feeling romantic?" Trevor asked, smiling. In response Meifeng gave him a light punch on the arm, smiling, "Don't push it, nerd." He redirected his attention to Jennifer. "What about from the [i]actual[/i] nerd." "Uh, yeah... maybe after a date." Jennifer just said, unaware of the implication. "Oh, maybe tonight?" Trevor said, trying to contain his excitement. "I think I'll be busy... but-" Jennifer said, before Trevor's sister spoke up. "C'mon, Trev, leave em' alone." Scarlet said, her accent was incredibly thick. "They've been through a lot last night." "I know, geez... I'm just trying to lighten the mood you know... and maybe get a girlfriend. Both are good." Trevor answered, putting his hands behind his back. "Yeah, thanks Trevor." Jennifer said, not wanting to be a bitch here. What broke up the moment was the sound of someone knocking on the door... What Trevor should have done. A few moments later, Lihua Vuhong stepped into the room with luggage bad in hand. She placed it down by the door, before she walked up to them. "Hello everybody." Lihua adjusted her glasses. "Are you all doing fine?" "Yeah, mom." Meifeng said, stroking her facial scars. "It's such a shame they had to put a scar on such a [i]beautiful[/i] face..." Lihua spoke, "However, this isn't why I'm here." She turned her body until she was facing Penny. "[i]You[/i] are the subject of my visit." "Ummm... me?" Penny awkwardly put a thumb to her chest as she looked up at the scary woman. "Why?" "NEST is heavily aware of your power now, and the huge risk it poses. We have very strict rules on Bestowers... along with the fact that the Hands of Science know about you, High Command has decided that the best course of action is that you should be placed under NEST protection. So you may learn to use your ability, and be in safety from all that wish to exploit you." Penny let out a sigh, she knew this would happen. "Okay..." "Penny wait," Jennifer said, putting her hands on her shoulders. "You don't have to go with them..." "... She does." Lihua said. "Fun fact: she created over twenty Metahumans for NEST to take care of." Once again, Scarlet spoke up. "Can't you just let this slide, just once, Agent Vuhong?" "Look, it isn't up to me, orders came from High Commannd..." Lihua shrugged. "... and their word is absolute. If it wasn't me, it'd be someone else. And, personally, I agree with them. You [i]are[/i] a huge risk to public safety." Penny (or anyone else in the room) didn't appreciate the last comment. Penny looked away, and started rubbing her upper arm. "Okay." "Glad to hear it." However, Lihua turned her attention to Jennifer. "... As for you, Caspin." Lihua said, taking steps towards the regenerator. "You should know about the sweep they did while deciding who should go where?" Jennifer vaguely remembered it, scratching the back of her neck. She tried to leave, but they wouldn't let her. "... Yeah." "NEST knows about your ability. You have no choice but to get registered." Lihua let out a sigh. "I told this to Anna's family in the other room, I don't want to add NEST to your list of worries, but at this point, they are aware and demanding your registration." Jennifer knew this day would come. She wondered if she could just have them slap a collar on her, and she'll pretend none of this ever happened. Yeah, she'll be a regular girl like before. [i]You know that'll never happen, Caspin.[/i] "Okay.... I'll get everything sorted out" Jennifer said, looking off to the side. Thinking about how her family will react. "Good." Lihua blankly said. Before she faced the rest of the group. "Everything clear?" "Yes, ma'am." Everyone said in unison. "Good, that is all. Now would you come with me, Penny, we'll get started..." Lihua opened the door, and lead Penny out of the room. Penny and Jennifer exchanged looks for what had to be the last time. Before Lihua stopped, and grabbed the luggage bag. She threw it over at Meifeng with one hand, and her daughter had a hard time catching it. "Almost forgot, change of clothes for you, Meifeng. All of you will be sticking around in the NEST base for a bit, until your guardians come in. Meifeng, you'll be staying in the base regardless. The guards at the door have been ordered to open fire should you attempt to leave." "[i]Yay![/i]" Meifeng raised her fists over her head victoriously. Lihua simply nodded before Penny and herself walked out the room. The room went awkwardly silent as everyone started looking around at each other. "... Can ya'll leave, I'd like to get dressed?" Meifeng said. "Hey, you wanted me to help you. Besiiiides, [i]we can watch.[/i]" Trevor said with a stupid smirk. Meifeng merely grabbed a pillow, and threw it at him, with smacked him in the side of the head. "Out, you pervert! You can come back when I'm ready." Jennifer immediately left. Heading for the waiting room. Before walking out the door, the boy just couldn't leave well enough alone. He stopped by Meifeng, and whispered into her ear. "... Psst... your mom's[i] hot[/i]." Before giving her the double fingerguns as she stepped out of the room. Meifeng shuddered at the comment. She'll have to remind herself to kill herself later. For now, she slid off the gown... [hr][h1][i]Two Remnants of the Fiends...[/i][/h1] [hr] [b][u]10:20 AM[/u][/b] "Big Dong's gone...?" A woman with pale skin, and dirty black hair said. Her features were barely illuminated by the shitty light of their run down apartment in Union Point Hills. She was sitting down, looking over her shoulder at the man behind her. "Yeah, they say he got busted. They say that Khan and Burnmark are dead too, and Plague's no where to be found." The man said as he let out a sigh. Putting his hands on his bald, tattooed, head. "Shit's whack, man. The Highway Stars, and every other lunatic is going to be pushing into Union-Point hills trying to take a piece." "What should we do?" The woman asked. "Get the hell out of here. The VPD are still looking for us. We can skip town, and hope they don't find us." "We don't have any money, Jason! You know that!" "Hey, hey!" Jason said, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You know we have a money [i]maker[/i]." "Wait, you can't be talking about..." "Bingo." He walked over to the drawer, and pulled it open, and was immediately assaulted by the green light. Two canisters of the good old magical power granting serums that they swiped from Big Dong a while back. They were going to take it, then become top Fiends - but then they chickened out when they thought about what'd happen if they got a bad power. Since then, they've been stashing them in their apartment. When NEST began cracking down the Fiends, they were the first to bail out of the gang. Hoping that Big Dong wouldn't be too angry, but he was far more concerned with the police bearing down on them. "We were going to hand those over to NEST if they catch us. A-A... leverage!" The woman said. "Sarah, you know that NEST are just going to toss us in a cell, and take it." He grabbed the power serums, before getting a cocky grin on his face as he stepped back over. "We're low lives. They could do whatever they want to us and nobody would give a shit." "I don't know... I think we should flush those down the toilet...." Sarah groaned. "You know how much these rich fucks would pay for [i]Superpowers?[/i]" Jason said with a wide smile on his face. "In fact, I got some rich-fuck's daughter to buy some. She's going to give a million dollars for [i]each[/i]." "Huh, really!?" Sarah asked, surprised. "Wait... I think this is a little [i]too[/i] convenient." "What other options do we got? Wait for NEST, or any of the other gangs, to move in and kick our ass?" "I don't know...." Confident as ever, Jason strolled over to the closet, and pulled out a sawed off shotgun. Complementary of serving under Big Dong. He walked over to the door, and presented the shotgun to her in full view. "Look at it this way; if we get the payout, we'll be out of Verthaven in no time, and if we don't, we can just beat the broad's face in." "Alright..." Sarah hesitantly stammered. She stood straight up, and walked out the door. "Now that's the spirit!" Jason said, he went into another room, and pulled out a gym bag. He dropped both canisters of the serum into it, and his sawed off. He walked over to the door, and looked over his shoulder at Sarah, "Know exactly where the deal is, it isn't even far from here. Let's go." Sarah knew that this was a bad idea, but they were a pair of desperate drug addicts. What other choice did they have? Though, they'll probably end up blowing the cash on drugs, and end up back where they started. [hr] They were at the meeting. An alleyway in the Iron District, between two abandoned warehouses that used to belong to the Fiends. It won't be long until word spreads, and these spots are taken by the homeless (Then the gang members). Jason had already drawn his shotgun, and he had the gym bag over his shoulder. Their little buyer was none other than Maxine Carter... who was standing on the other end of the alleyway with a cigarette in her mouth. Most notably, she had a briefcase in hand. Second Maxine saw them, she pulled the cigarette out of her mouth, and blew out a hot puff of smoke. "Good you're here." She said, smirking. "Got the goods, [i]Jay-son?[/i]" Something about this chick unnerved Sarah. She didn't seem all that rich and powerful like Jason said. She kept her mouth shut. If anything went wrong, she still had her piece in her waistband. "Yup!" Jason pulled the gym bag, and then dropped it. Before he knelt down and unzipped it, and was immediately assaulted by the radiant green light. He pulled out one of the serums, and displayed it for her. "Two magic potions just for[i] you[/i]... if you give us our fucking money, that is. Haha!" Jason was being obtuse here. He's just holding it out for her to grab it. Sarah just stepped over to Jason. She stepped over to Jason, trying to grab it. "Um, Jason, that isn't..." "Yeah, those are [i]exactly[/i] what I'm looking for...." Maxine said, before she tossed a orange orb of fire at the ground at their feet. Before they could even react, it exploded into a thick cloud of black smoke. Which left them coughing. "[i]Fuck![/i] She's a freak, run!" Jason shouted as she charged out of the smoke. He looked back for Sarah, and saw that Maxine had teleported over to him. While she was reforming, she reached over to the serum, and grabbed it, but Jason grabbed onto it tightly. Maxine simply opened her palm, and blasted him with a shotgun style blast of fire and hot ashes. His skin was burned upon impact. "[i]Aaaaaaaaah![/i]" Jason let out the cry as he took a few steps backwards, dropped the serum, and kicked it during his backpedel. Which rolled over in the direction of Sarah.... She was coughing profusely, and strongly waving her hand around as she tried to get the smoke out of her face. She had grabbed the gym bag with the serum. When the other one just so happened to roll into her foot, she looked down, then at Maxine and Jason, then back at the Serum. The scene paused as everyone was staring at each other, certain that the serum would break. Sarah quickly swiped it, and hauled ass in the other direction. Heavily panting with every step. "You get back here!" Maxine shouted, as she put her hand out to shoot her in the foot - However, she forgot about Jason and his sawed off. He had aimed it at her, and pulled the trigger. The bullet ripped through her body, and left several holes that started burning with a orange light. "[i]AAAAAAAAAARGH![/i]" Maxine screamed as she dropped to her knees. The regeneration part of her power should take care of this if this fuck doesn't shoot her dead. "Take that you fucking [i]freak![/i]" Jason said, as he dropped the shell casings, and put in two more rounds. He was walking up to Maxine to put those two rounds through her [i]head[/i]. Maxine wasn't going to give him the chance when she swiped her hands out, and created a jet of flames that hit Jason in the legs. The jeans that he was wearing were literally burned off of him as his skin got a [i]lot[/i] darker. He let out the pained cry as he dropped his shotgun, and landed on his behind to grasp his leggy. "[i]What?! Little[/i] pussy [i]can't take a little[/i] fire!?" Maxine shouted as she put her hand out again, and created a large orb of fire and chucked it right in his face. It exploded into a cloud of smoke and fire. Which left Jason violently choking. He tried to crawl away, coughing more and more. He cried to claw his way out, tears were rolling down his eyes. Before he stopped breathing, he stopped, and dropped his head on the ground. Suffocated in black smoke. Maxine didn't stick around to watch his death. She just ran after Sarah, pulling out her revolver, since she was running low on smoke and fire here due to her regeneration. She'd need to save a little bit just in case. She couldn't run fast with the injuries she sustained. She was catching up to Sarah. "[i]I knew this was a bad idea... I knew this was a bad idea...[/i]" She repeated the mantra over and over again as she was running. She was wondering where Jason was. She quickly turned the alleyway, and ran back around, it was risky, but she wanted to know if Jason killed the bitch, or ran. Yet, she learned that something [i]worse[/i] had happened. [i]Much worse[/i]. She saw Jason, face down, and his face looking dead. Sarah immediately grabbed onto Jason's head and shook it. He didn't move. "Jason!? [i]Jason?! [b]JASON!?[/b][/i]" Sarah screamed his name over and over again as tears started running down her eyes uncontrollably. Footsteps were approaching quickly. She immediately looked up, and let out a shriek. Maxine was a Metahuman and Sarah herself had little defense against her. Well, she had [i]something.[/i] She reached into her waistline, and pulled out a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 and aimed it right for Maxine before she could draw her own gun. "[i]You stay the fuck back![/i]" Sarah screamed with ferocity. It was more than apparent that she was going to shoot if Maxine so much as moves. "[i]I'll fucking kill you![/i]" "Oh shit! I... fuck... fuck..." Maxine said as she saw Jason's dead body, and her own heart sank. She [i]killed[/i] him. Oh God. She didn't mean to. She just wanted to knock him out, not [i]kill him[/i]. Oh God, NEST is going to be after her and everything. She had to make everything right. "Hey, hey, calm down." Maxine said, before she dropped her gun, and put her hand up, as assurance."I... fuck... I'm... so fucking sorry. I never meant to do [i]that![/i] I just wanted to knock him out! [i]I only wanted the [b]serum![/b][/i]" She got more and more hysterical with every word. "This serum!?" Sarah shouted. This Serum... it was the problem. It was the fucking serum. If they just tossed it like she suggested, this would have never happened! "Fuck your serum!" Sarah said... she wasn't thinking straight right now. All that was in her head was the feign hope that she could use this to save Jason. She unscrewed the top, and started drinking it. A pulse of green energy was sent through her body, as her nervous system started pulsing a bright green color. She started shaking uncontrollably, she tried to catch herself, but only fell to her knees. She let out a scream as she grabbed onto her head. A clear icy-blue gel started dripping down from her skin as she started turning transparent. She kept shaking as the transformation caused tendrils made out the gel, with bones to keep them solid. Violently erupted from her back. She kept shaking more and more, as clouds appeared out of nowhere, and rain started to fall gently. A tendril quickly took a lance shape, and flew straight at Maxine. She was too in shock from the murder she just committed, and this woman's transformation to do anything. It impaled her right through the forehead, splashing ashes that was her brain all over the place. Her eyes were still moving, shaking from left to right. The tendril pulled out of her skull, and Maxine dropped dead. Sarah was panting heavily... she looked at her hands, and could see right through them. She was a monster. She was afraid of this! She could sirens in the distance. She had to hide. She slowly hobbled over to the sewer grate, and slunk through it as if she was liquid. Disappearing into the sewers as rainfall covered the city in wetness. [i]Today was the day a new monster was born. One that was more powerful than any threat that came before it. Verthaven would come to fear it's name.[/i] [hr][h1][i][color=dodgerblue]Lihua Vuhong[/color], & (Former) Director Miranda Caryl.[/i][/h1] [hider=Psychonauts OST - Agent Cruller's Sacred Hall][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzseE_0Zo3w[/youtube][/hider][hr] [b][u]10:21 AM[/u][/b] Lihua gently stirred her hot cup of coffee with a metal spoon. Her gaze didn't leave the Director's - Oh, [i]former[/i] Director - eyes, as they were only separated by a table... and some cuffs. She wanted to talk to the Director personally, now that she's just a broken pedestal of her former self. And to think that she was the Director's personal [i]lapdog[/i] merely a day ago, trying so hard to get on her good side so she could rise up in the organization. Oh how things [i]change[/i] in the blink of an eye. But, Lihua didn't come here to be conceited... she wanted to know everything. However, what Baron taught her was that subtlety was everything. She was going to break the woman down, and pick up the pieces of her many sins. "Would you like some coffee? I have-" "Cut the shit, Vuhong." Miranda immediately cut Lihua off. "I'm not going to be alive for much longer, so I might as well just tell you everything in hopes that you screw them over." "Oh, well, uh," Lihua started off, disappointed. "Okay. Start from the beginning, please." Miranda let out a sigh, and began the long tangent explaining everything. "It started three years into my tenure as a Director. I was approached by Dr. Cross, one of the Hands of Science Chairmen, or as I should say, [i]women[/i]. She told me about a deal... a deal that could help NEST. She said that if we did some favors for her, if I turn the other way, she would help NEST." [i]This is interesting.[/i] Lihua thought to herself as she made a mental note to remember the name Dr. Cross. "What sort of [i]favors[/i], and how did she "help" NEST?" She asked. "Simple. We made an arrangement to give the Hands of Science some of the nobodies we arrest, the people no one would look for, she would give NEST some gadgets. The first thing she gave us was containment foam. How to create it, and the blueprints to the dispensers. She also gave us the sleeping gas, [i]and[/i] the [i]top secret[/i] Shield of Light system, which is being set up in every major city." "... [i]Shield of Light[/i]?" Lihua had to ask. "Sorry. [i]Top. Secret[/i]." Miranda said with a smirk on her face. "You're doubling back on your claim that you'll tell me everything?" "Nope. Just not telling you this out of respect for High Command." This is something she'll have to look into... if she even has the clearance. High Command is pretty high up on the NEST chain, and they're not exactly the type that'll listen to the [i]ants[/i] of the organization. Now, there are plenty of questions that Lihua had for Miranda. Mostly towards her conspirators. "What about the Hands of Science, and NEST's involvement? Who is Dr. Cross?" "I don't know her real name, or her identity... I had Agents run through everything, there's nothing that fits her. Which gives me the idea that she hacked herself out of every system," Miranda started off, leaning up on the table, "But, continuing, she's a Hands of Science big wig, but I already told you that. What I haven't told you is that she has complete control over the Southwestern branch of the Hands of Science." "The man you were talking to in the video?" "Don't know. He's been trying extra hard to keep himself anonymous, but I do know that he's from China, or has ties with them, and runs the Northeastern branch of the Hands of Science... And before you ask, there's seven branches of the Hands of Science in total. One for each part of the US, two in Canada, and one in Mexico." Seven branches of the Hands of Science. Lihua knew that all of them need to be destroyed. She nodded her head. "Who is this woman?" Lihua asked as she produced a photo of Heartbreaker running through the hallways, looking over her shoulder. Miranda only looked at the photo for a few seconds before raising her head. "Natalie... or should I say, Heartbreaker. She's a member of the Changeling Unit that acted as an envoy for the Hands of Science. I paid her a large amount of money for her to make sure Khan doesn't leave the building alive. I should note that she's the second in command, their leader is [i]much[/i] worse. I can give you identification on several members." Changeling Unit... Lihua [i]definitely [/i]has to look into them. "Are there any Agents associated with the Hands of Science?" Miranda let out a sigh. "... Give me a pen." She groaned, looking down at the napkin underneath her hands. "That'll be a little hard with these on, let me help you with that." Lihua leaned in forward, and produced a key from her breast pocket, and unlocked the cuffs. All while Miranda looked at her in shock. She handed Miranda a pen. Lihua interlocked her hands, and fingers, "Tell me, do you really think that I would undo your cuffs if I wasn't more than certain that you wouldn't be able to leave this room...?" "... Good point." Miranda began writing names down on the napkin. At least thirteen NEST Agents. She pushed the napkin back over to Lihua. "Done." [i]God damn it.[/i] Lihua thought to herself as she looked at it. A few of these Agents were pretty high up. There could be the possibility that Miranda could be lying, but it wouldn't have mattered if she was. Lihua was going to launch an investigation of her own, and if she finds anything substantial, submit it to the higher ranking Agents and get them arrested. She slid the napkin in her pocket, and faced the former Director. It looks like that Lihua was done here. Still, she had one [i]last[/i] thing to say to the Director. "But, let me tell you something, Miranda," Lihua started off, saying the Director's name like an insult. She took a pause to take off her glasses and rub her eyes. Before putting them back on, and staring the Director straight in the eye. "I promise you, I am going to put my all towards destroying [i]everything[/i] that you [i]and[/i] the Hands of Science built, and burn all the [i]unholy[/i] research they made with the blood of innocent children. So, enjoy your time in a prison cell... and [i]watch [/i]as I, and every god damn Agent with a[i] conscience[/i], ruin your conspirators." Miranda shrugged in a very "I guess" manner. "... It's what I [i]deserve[/i], right?" "It is. For letting your greed and ego drive you to commit such [i]disgraceful[/i] actions. Everyone here at NEST will be repairing the damage you caused. Thank you and [i]goodbye[/i]. We'll never meet again." After that last word left her lips, Lihua stood straight up, and walked out of the room with the cup of coffee in hand. Miranda wouldn't go anywhere. If she was smart that is. [hr] Now, her business here was over. She had her chat with the fallen Director, and now she's going to submit that information she gathered to the Intelligence Department. All of it could have been a lie, but it's a possibility. The Director wasn't going anywhere. Despite her claims, Lihua was going to make sure that the Director comes out of this alive. Extra tight security for her. In the end, it all fell down to the other NEST Agents, however. Her job was intelligence, not to guard prisoners, or order other Agents around. [i]Just get to a computer....[/i] Lihua thought to herself. "Agent Vuhong?" The man said, walking up to her from behind. She turned around and saw an African American man with a bald head and a suit (Much like many of the Agents). He was holding a clipboard. Once he got close to her, he looked up at her and noted, "You're tall." "... I get that a lot." Lihua rolled her eyes. "I don't believe we've been introduced." "Oh, yeah, right," The man said, standing at attention, putting his feet together, and standing straight up. "Agent Luther Ross, I'm one of the NEST detectives they brought in from Seattle because of the shortage." "Oh really?" Lihua asked. She put her hand out, and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you." "Yeah, I arrived this morning - the flight was a bitch, though." He said, Lihua took note of the crassness of his statement. "... I'll be working under you." "... What?" Lihua asked, a bit confused about the last statement. "Huh? They didn't tell you yet?" "Tell me what?" Luther nodded his head, and gave her a very playful smirk, "You're [i]the[/i] new head of the Intelligence and Investigation Department.... should you accept the promotion." That news came as a shock. Her mouth opened... before she snapped it close, and reverted to her usual emotionless demeanor. She had question, though. "What happened to the old head? Isiah Paxton?" "Yeeeeah... they found out that he died. Fiends killed him, and cut his face off. Before they put it on a pizza and ate it." Luther scratched the back of his neck. "They offered me the position, but I turned it down. Didn't want to rob someone else... Eh, I'll level with you here, Verthaven scares the [i]fuck[/i] out of me. So, I think I'll take the chance to get the hell out of here." [i]Believe me... Verthaven scares me, too.[/i] Lihua thought to herself. Though, the only thing that popped up in her mind was to accept the position. She was [i]perfect[/i] for it. All these [i]years[/i] of hard work and dedication are [i]finally[/i] paying off! "I gladly accept the position." "Good, I'll tell them soon as possible. If you'll follow me to your [i]new[/i] office...." Luther started walking off, with every word sounding more and more appetizing to her. Sexy even. She wanted to drink, and party, now more than ever to celebrate her new position. As they walked through the destroyed halls of the Headquarters. Lihua just [i]had[/i] to talk, "Can you run me through all the perks of my new position?" "Heh, first you'll be able to order the Department around. Launch internal investigations, major investigations, and so on. Hell, you might be able to order around the rank and file agents. Second, and this will probably be your favorite; [i]pay raise.[/i] Third, an even [i]higher[/i] intelligence clearance. A level four clearance in fact. That's like two steps away from Top Secret intelligence clearance. Fourth, fancy new office, it belonged to the last guy... and I cleaned it up to the best of my ability... Oh, we're here." They walked up to the door that had Isiah Paxton (Her old boss' name) written on the door. They'd have to switch that out with Lihua Vuhong, but later. They still have the mess the Fiends made to clean up. It won't be long until news of her promotion reaches the rest of NEST, and they start growling in anger. And Lihua didn't care at all. She earned it. Not just for herself, but for Meifeng [i]and[/i] Lijuan. Luther opened the door to reveal a office that was three times the size of her old cramp office. It had a nice blue rug with the NEST insignia on it, and fancy wooden walls. There was a large desk, and behind it was a large leather chair. On the other ends of the room there were filing cabinets. Best of all, it had a [i]window[/i]. Lihua couldn't help but smile ear to ear as she walked inside. Luther nodded his head and said, "I'll leave you to your business...." Before departing. The first thing that Lihua did was skip over to the chair. Now that Luther was gone, she could now express emotions that she wouldn't normally show when around other people. She flopped down on the chair, and leaned back in it (it leaned back, too!) far as it could go. Letting her head hang. She had the dumbest smile on her face, befitting a child, spinning herself around by kicking her foot against the desk. Yet, she didn't care. All she could do was laugh. And laugh, and laugh. Like she was a god damn super villain. Only stopping to loudly say, "Life is [i]good! Now, isn't it! HAHAHAHAHA![/i]" "... You havin' fun?" Luther said as he poked his head back into the room. With a sly smile on his face as Lihua realized he watched [i]all[/i] of it. [i]All of it[/i]. That made Lihua loudly yip, and immediately revert to a normal, presentable position. Sitting straight up, feet on the ground, and fingers on the computer. "... If you tell anyone about that, I'll have to kill you." Lihua said, jokingly (???). "Noted." Luther had to try hard to resist laughing. "Now, there's a double homicide over in the Iron District. One of deceased is a student from Academy 12. We could use the[i] new[/i] Head of Investigation's talents." Lihua smiled. [hr][h1][i].........[/i][/h1] [hider=Kill la Kill OST - Blumenkranz][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM4SZ6AzfMY[/youtube][/hider][hr] The white room... it was home. It was something that she had gotten used to. The woman with beige skin, and curly brown hair, lying down on her bed. The light above her reminded her so much of the sun. They let her see it sometimes, but she always pined for [i]more[/i]. A little more sun won't do anything, but they always tell her that it's dangerous to stay outside for too long. Didn't know why, she just always followed the nice lady's orders, and in return, she gives her things. Games to play with, nice food to eat, and interesting books. Yet, she was never given any freedom. She was compliant, they made her that way. Yet, she still wanted more.... The door open, which was hidden in the white walls of the room. It could only be opened from the other side. Which was a safety measure. A woman stepped through, and she nodded her head at the women on the bed. "Dr. Cross?" The woman asked. Dr. Cross was her [i]Doctor[/i]. She was an older lady that had to be in her mid forties, that was somewhat short. She had neatly brushed back black hair that was greying in some areas. She wore a long labcoat that was left open to reveal her black suit and vest. She had on dress shoes. Almost like she was some big business woman that just threw on a labcoat to come down here. "It's time, Alexandria." Dr. Cross said, as she gestured for the woman to follow her. She quickly climbed up, and followed Dr. Cross as they walked through the halls. Passing by other scientists hauling operating tables with test subjects, and other supplies. Dr. Cross lightly brushed her hand through her hair as she continued walking through the halls. Alexandria was her crown jewel - her magnum opus. She was the key to saving a lot of lives. She was a Metahuman who's biology could cancel out cancer, and any and all ill-effects from genetics. She's studying her power so she find a way to mass produce it and become a scientific hero. While she was marching, a man clad in red and dark-blue armor and a gas mask walked with wielding a M16. He put his hand up, and she stopped, "Dr. Cross, Ignatius would like to speak with you in the communications room." The Doctor closed her eyes, and then sighed. What does that fool want now? She nodded her head and ordered the soldier, "Escort Alexandria to the examination room." "Understood." Both Alexandria and the soldier walked off past Dr. Cross as she made her way to Ignatius. The doors opened as she walked into the dimly lit room. She could see Ignatius's silhouette - which was fairly androgynous. He was sitting in a chair, legs crossed, and fingertips touching... However, he didn't have a head. Dr. Cross rolled her eyes up into her head. That idiot's starting up with the theatrics again.... Coming out of his shadow-y figure was thin tendrils that popped out of his neck. The tendrils arced behind the chair, and came back with what had to be a head. The tendrils locked into the head, and placed it down onto his neck. His body drastically changed shape - it gained size, and his chest got really broad. Ignatius stood straight up, and walked over to Cross with his hands behind his back. Dr. Cross was unimpressed, she crossed her arms and looked at him. He was quite tall, and wore a suit, with a long black overcoat hanging off his shoulders. He had a handsome face... that didn't belong to him. "What is it that you want?" Dr. Cross asked, annoyed. "You should already know," Ignatius said as he stood at her side. "The Hands of Science are no longer in the shadows. Someone brought them out...." "It was my own stupidity, really." Dr. Cross said, "I shouldn't have let Berlioz have his way... he was one of our best scientists, and yet he insists on working alone. And now he screws us all over.... [i]Ugh![/i]" "If only he had a special team on to act as, maybe, [i]security[/i].... but that isn't what I wanted to talk to you about." Ignatius raised a finger up into the air. "Doesn't it sound a little [i]too[/i] convenient for NEST that Berlioz was killed while looking at very sensitive files, and that two Agents just [i]happened[/i] to find it. And our existence was leaked to the internet along with the Changeling Unit. [i]Conveniently.[/i]" "I'd have to be stupid as you are to believe otherwise; [i]someone's[/i] working against us." "Oh, you're so mean." Ignatius said, feigning shot with an O mouth. "... and I believe that [i]someone[/i] is Megan. Because, she hasn't been confirmed dead, nor can we find her." "... It could make sense... she was one of our top scientists. She knew a [i]lot[/i] about the organization." "And what if she gained a conscious? Or never worked for us in the first place, but NEST? And decided to out us in hopes that NEST or any other group of fools would try to take us out. She could have been misleading us with the eccentrics." Ignatius theorized. "God damn it... we need to find her at once." "Mobilize REAPER?" Ignatius asked. "Oh yeah, that's another thing... now that NEST knows about us, we're going to need to defend our... [i]assets[/i]. That's why we assembled REAPER in the first place. To combat NEST." "I wish we had more time to get everything ready. At least the Mutagen is ready." Dr. Cross knew that the the Hands of Science would be exposed to NEST some day. That's why they prepared. They tested the mutagen on the Fiends, and gathered as many NEST rejects as possible so they could form the antithesis to them: REAPER. Usually mobilized to kidnap Metahumans, they're now going after NEST. "At least we perfected the Mutagen." Ignatius said. "Now, I'm going to get the Slaughterhouse Squad ready. REAPER doesn't have as many Metas... but I'll make it work." Ignatius shrugged, before walking off. He gave Dr. Cross the two finger salute. "See you Dr. Cross. I'll have Megan's head by the time I come back." Good grief. This is going to be the beginning of the end, and all Dr. Cross wanted was to continue her research in [i]peace[/i]. Now they're going to war against NEST. Dr. Cross shook her head. However, a monitor came alive on the other end of the room. A man appeared, a silhouette just in case anyone's monitoring, on the screen, and started talking. "Someone patch me to Dr. Cross." The man said with a Chinese accent. "Well aren't you convenient." Dr. Cross said as she walked over to the monitor, and bent over it. From the accent, she knew it was the Chairmen of the Northeastern Branch of the Hands of Science. Dr. Cross herself was the head of the Southwestern Branch. "What do you want?" "What the hell happened?" The man hissed. "[i]How[/i] did the Hands of Science get exposed so easily?" "We have a rat... we're chasing it down." Dr. Cross responded. "This is not good news, the Hands of Science relied on it's anonymity... which we've just lost." "Tell me something I don't know." "We will have to gather the Chairmen and discuss what happened... perhaps in Verthaven." "It will be the best location... come here in two weeks, and we'll discuss the next course of events." "Very well. Signing off." He pressed a button, and the monitor turned off. Dr. Cross sighed. [i]It begins.[/i] [hr][h1][i][color=red]Meifeng Vuhong.[/color] (The Credits)[/i][/h1][hr] [b][u]10:41 AM[/u][/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgRY9q49GIY[/youtube] [i]When I left China... it was so abrupt, Black Fall felt strange at first.[/i] Meifeng monologues as she walked through the roof doors of the NEST base (after breaking the lock), stepping onto the roof. She walked towards the edge. [i]I barely knew anything about America, and couldn't even speak English. It was the first time I've seen Mom, like ever... and no one helped at all. America felt so alien to me, and all I wanted to leave. But I knew I truly stood alone. I would have to cut out my own piece of the place. For myself.[/i] Meifeng kept walking until she reached the edge, taking off the bandages on her with every step. Thanks to Trevor's power, she was healed. Not without a little bit of scratches, of course. When she took off the bandages, she was revealing the ugly claw scars on her face. [i]After the culture shock wore off, I started to appreciate the place, but I still knew it wasn't for me. That changed once I reached Verthaven. It was much different from Black Fall, and I thought that I'd run into the same problem as before. But, I met people like Jen, Anna, Trevor, Taylor, and Carole, the people that made the place a lot better. They helped me realize that I had a place in America, in Verthaven. And that made me aspire to make the city my true stomping grounds. All while dreaming of becoming a NEST Agent... Not like mom, she does the boring information stuff. I want to be out there and fighting, fighting to protect the people.[/i] Holding the torn bandages in her hand, Meifeng slowly stuck her hand straight out, and held it there. Before she let go of them, and let the wind carry the grim reminder of her wounds into the distance. To be forgotten. [i]Yet... the corruption sure runs deep. I would have to be dumb to believe otherwise... but, in the name of Greed and Ego, NEST danced with the devil. And for what? Money? No money is worth the pain they brought to innocent people. Nothing is.[/i] Rain started dropping down, and Meifeng put her hand out and let the rain pool up in her hand. She quickly gathered all the water into an orb, and the orb started spinning. [i]Rain... yeah... can the rain wash away the blood and corruption of this city and turn it back into the paradise I fell in love with? Make it great again? Heal it's wounds? No... it's not that easy.[/i] "[i]Meifeng![/i]" Lihua shouted from the doorway. "Get down from there before you fall off and [i]kill[/i] yourself!" Meifeng let the orb of water fall from her hand, and she smiled as she looked up at the sun punching through the grey clouds. [i]... NEST might be broken. It might be corrupt. But there's nothing to say that it can't be [b]fixed.[/b][/i] [Roll credits]