[hider=Bobi][center][color=royalblue][b]Name:[/b][/color] Bennbobi "Bobi" Roswell [hider=Appearance][img]http://www.chuing.net/zboard/revol_getimg.php?id=mble&no=119784&num=6&fc=e4bff9b258d748942745e82dc5e5c453[/img][/hider] [color=royalblue][b]Height/Weight:[/b][/color] 1m56 / 49kg [color=royalblue][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=royalblue][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Quite a dominant figure with an appetite for competition and victory. Calling Bobi a bully isn't far from the truth, as she often refers to intimidation and speaking over others as a medium to impose herself, whether it is her place to or not. Size doesn't matter, only power does, and the fact that she's not only a spoiled brat from a family of bourgeois, but he specific Devil Fruit class has made of her a ridiculously pretentious individual. She's convinced she is better than most people and has a hard time with authority, not that she wouldn't follow orders without a push, but one must always prove themselves to her in order to get productive results. When grown more attached to someone and convinced she's got their personality pinned, Bobi can purposely act flirty, whether it is for fun or to attempt at nabbing something she wants. There's a deeper meaning behind her behavior. She often provokes people in order to test their limits and eventually get a better taste of what kind of individuals they are, especially if she were to spend a considerable amount of time with them (such as being in a crew). Observation and evaluation are important things to her, almost contrary to what one would think of her as she does give off the vibe of an impulsive and easily worked up young woman. She is a psycho bitch alright, but she's cautious and surprisingly a bookworm intrigued by ancient (and beautiful) architecture as well as cultures upon maturing. She isn't very outspoken about her passions however. Actually, Bobi is very secretive and hides her feelings very well, easily deduced with her attempts to hide her intelligence behind her erratic behavior. Finally, she's extremely insecure with her looks (flat chested, no ass, average appearance). The extra makeup and eye liner make it all the more clear to those interested in her case. She's particularly embarrassed by the aesthetic effects of her Devil Fruit, but quickly forgets about it when she'd reminded that she's among the top tiers. Nonetheless, she's fully conscious that with her somewhat average looks and despicable behavior she's bound to not be appreciated by many, which is the source of her insecurity, but her pride prevents her from accepting it and perhaps changing her outlook on things. [b]Official laugh:[/b] Chawhawhawhahaha! [b]Verbal Quirk:[/b] Ends some of her sentences with "Kana". [b]Current Goal:[/b] Partying & Acquiring delicious ideas [color=royalblue][b]Home Island/Sea:[/b][/color] DenDen Island - North Blue [color=royalblue][b]History:[/b][/color] Born and raised in a commercial oriented island in North Blue, she lived with little to no worry in her life. Being the eldest of four children, she was the beloved first grand child of her wealthy grandparents and quickly became as rotten as a buried egg. Her father also had a soft side for the young Bobi but her mother was the only enforcer of temperance in her life. With the arrival of three more siblings, attention was quickly reduced from her being and she slowly became autonomous during her pre-teens. She was lacking attention and quickly became one of those rebellious, but not so extreme, types that would sneak out at night and purposely annoy her parents to manifest her presence. She always got what she wanted, and she was quite the intelligent one too, often talking herself out of situations. This was the same with her brother and sister, she'd often gear the blame toward them and exploit their lesser brain power to avoid punishment. The first time she'd be downright denied something would be when a very unique looking fruit popped out of nowhere. As a teen, she was in her 'I don't care' phase and evidently was somewhat ignorant of the world. She still is, but her information greedy attitude quickly remedied that. Anyway, a weird, blue fruit was being sold in the big commerce hall at a rather strong price. Many knew it was a Devil Fruit but because none actually knew what it did nor wanted to deal with the trouble it'd entail, it wasn't immediately bought off. Bobi was hungry that day, and like any rich brat, would be irrationally fascinated by the unusual fruit to the point where she'd want it without a single care in the world. The price was high, and in spite of her bartering endeavors, failed miserably. Needless to say, it infuriated her that she couldn't get what she wanted. And so, she did what any rebellious parasite would do, and simply rob the underground merchant by 'accidentally' derailing his convoy with the help of her oblivious brother. The perfect crime, no witnesses other than her brother who barely understood what happened anyway. After taking a bite, she immediately regretted the amounts of effort she invested in getting said fruit, qualifying it as 'Possibly the worst thing since hardened balls of tissue charged with bleach'. It'd be then that her mythical powers manifested under the form of an ugly looking elephant-like creature that still irks her to this day. At first she was completely horrified by the terrible ugliness brought upon by the fruit's power, but as she unconsciously applied the dream eating powers and tasted for the first time the memories of others, she forgot about that aesthetic detail. She could only recall the tales of the Baku when she was a child, and the fact that she became what seemed to be a legendary myth touching man, woman and child around the world increased her ego one hundredfold. And that would be before she'd educate herself on the Devil Fruit. The class of Mythical Zoan would only reach her recently, a class even rarer than the dreaded Logia. Needless to say, she wasn't far off from proclaiming herself as a God. Not that her island wasn't too far off this ideal either, DenDen island gained the reputation of the island of good dreams where various insomniacs and traumatized individuals would have their worries and nightmares taken away and slowly recover from the ailments affecting them. It wouldn't be enough for Bobi, however, as her thirst to develop her already exceptionally strong mind and creativity grew heavily. She needed to discover the dreams and aspirations of people around the world, from the past and the future by discovering past scriptures. But most of all, she wants to be recognized as the most ingenuous inventor and discoverer of the world. [color=royalblue][b]Fruit:[/b][/color] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baku_(spirit)]Baku Baku no Mi[/url] [indent][color=royalblue][b]Category:[/b][/color] [url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Zoan#Mythical_Zoan]Mythical Zoan[/url] [color=royalblue][b]Description:[/b][/color] A very unique Devil Fruit that turns the consumer into a Baku Human, a fruit often mistaken for a normal Zoan type. A little folklore, the Baku is a Tapir spirit that is said to devour nightmares and dreams but can go as far as consuming ideas, desires, hopes and even as far as memories. The eater, like most Zoan types, has three forms: The human form, the hybrid and the full beast form. The hybrid is often composed of a large and long snout as well as the arms and main body being covered in the thick layer of skin akin to a massive tapir. The skin is exceptionally strong and can easily full stop non-enhanced physical hits and sloppy blade strikes. As the typical Zoan formula goes, the user gets a boost in strength and can easily knock down stone pillars with a well rounded hit. However the rather round composure of the tapir makes it difficult to adopt swift martial arts moves. Eaters of this fruit often end up being grandiose artists or inventors since their knowledge an creativity is continuously fed by absorbing that of others. A contrario, they are much more susceptible to nihilism and cynical views on the world with all the malice running about in this rotten world.[/indent] [color=royalblue][b]Fighting style[/b]:[/color] Bobi isn't the actively aggressive type when in combat contrarily to her social approaches. Although provocative at best, she does her best to never engage directly against someone, or if she does she's a lot more evasive and rarely fights back. It is because she does her best to accumulate knowledge on her enemies and eventually wither them down. This method is highly compatible with the cowardly approach, letting her teammates get into the front lines and they suffer the consequences while she concocts adequate counter measures against an enemy. She does not have a specific fighting style however and is often outmatched in hand to hand by trained individuals, despite her brutish side against fodder. Her observation Haki is strong when her Devil Fruit isn't solicited. However the curse of the Baku makes it so that her sight and sixth sene aren't the greatest. This compensated by greatly augmented hearing and smell, being able to go full on bloodhound on enemies and tracking them down. She holds great potential in Armament but so far she'd been too sloppy to adopt it.[/center] [list][*][i][b]Dreamworld Whirlpool:[/b][/i] Bobi uses her snout to suck the roaming nightmares in the nearby area, freeing her allies from a terrible night. She can also use this ability to an extent where she can capture fractions of emotions from others and detect whether there are negative intents or not. Consuming these increases her strength as if it were food. She can do the same by eating normal dreams. [*][i][b]Ambition Glutton:[/b][/i] A power that's channeled through her strikes that steals a bit of willpower from the victim with each hit. This withers down the efficiency of observation Haki when the target masters it (translation: those who spam it) and sucks out the armament Haki actively being used at the moment of the strike. Haki she devours restore small amounts of stamina. [*][i][b]Memory Snout:[/b][/i] By releasing a powerful breeze, she is capable of 'blowing away' memories. At this stage, she can blow away 3 seconds of memories before the blast was released, essentially giving very short term amnesia. She promptly eats the memories as they return to her, feeding her with their memories and extra stamina. [*][i][b]Oozing Dream:[/b][/i] Bobi can implant nightmares, dreams and ideas into both the sleeping an awakened. Essentially she sacrifices a bit of her power to distribute a small 'idea' such as a fact involving her using the Pika Pika no Mi. These ideas take the form of yellow spheres the size of a fist and are fired at near bullet speed from her snout or hands.[/list] [center][color=royalblue][b]Items:[/b][/color] [i][b]Heart Shaped Purse[/b][/i] A small pink purse shaped like a heart that she keeps tied around her left shoulder with a thin lace, dragging down to her hip. The bag is quite unique as it was bought by her grandmother at a really high price in one of those illegal auctions led by pirates. Whether it is the work of a Devil Fruit o some otherworldly spell, the fact is that the bag is capable of containing large amounts of objects, making it great for sample searching and general thievery. It cannot fit overly large objects such as stone tablets but she has fit things as large as a body in the past. It currently contains nothing but a roll of cash as she sold everything recently. [color=royalblue][b]Ship Positions:[/b][/color] Archaeologist [color=royalblue][b]Bounty:[/b][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pjKC5BV.png[/img]500,000[/center] [list][*]Stealing the "Bouquet d'ArĂ´mes" from the DenDen Museum [*]Inappropriate conduct in Soarin Tavern, countless tags on the wall with her name[/list][/hider]