[center][img]https://fanart.tv/fanart/movies/10195/hdmovielogo/thor-513e338c7ccd9.png[/img][/center] [indent] Desert in Oklahoma Sometime-in-March, 2005 Dawn -roughly 6am- [/indent] Tarene was in shock. What she felt transcended shock. She'd thought after Ragnarok that nothing could surprise her, afterall, bearing witness to The End tended to leave one hard to shock. She'd wandered aimlessly for quite some time, she didn't count the days because time mattered not when you lived many many centuries. She was still slumped down on the ground, her knees had buckled beneath her once she'd realised what she was looking at was entirely real and not some cruel desert mirage. It had been hours and she still hadn't pulled herself up. The band of wagons that she'd been rolling along with had kept moving, but something had called her to step away and following a strange inexplicable instinct, she was drawn to the crater. Within it lay the very hammer that had borne legends and legacies. The hammer that had the power to destroy worlds, or save them. The hammer that had belonged to her dear friend and ally, her former-prince, then her King. Mjolnir. She stared at the hammer for so long that the sun had begun to rise. Last she'd seen it, Thor Odinson had thrown it across the battlefield, knocking Odin's sceptre, Gungnir, just before Loki could deliver a fatal blow. It was then that she knew that the Thor Odinson who'd attacked her so mercilessly, leaving her vulnerable for Loki to deliver the killing strike, had been a fake, an imposter. The real King of Asgard had arrived to save them all. She'd watched that very hammer soar back into his grasp, he glanced over his shoulder and yelled at her to run, to escape and to live. And now it was here. She squinted as the sun began to rise, spreading blistering heat across the barren sandy wastes that surrounded her. Finally, after what may have felt like an eternity of drinking in the sight of the relic infront of her, she clambered to her feet though with little grace for an Asgardian such as herself. Such clumsiness from an Asgardian warrior would make Valkyries blush with embarassment, but it didn't matter. Mjolnir called to her. It whispered her name and asked her to come forward. She obliged and found herself wrapping her fingers around the leather-wrapped hilt. The handle fit comfortably in her grasp and a warmth spread through her fingers and palm. The hammer spoke to her again and asked her to lift it. She found herself replying aloud to the omnipresent voice. [b]"What if I cannot wrest thee from thine crater?"[/b] she asked. Mjolnir whispered again, ignoring her question, urging her to lift. Tarene wanted to argue, to tell the hammer that she had not been worthy on Asgard, how could she be worthy now? She had failed her destiny and allowed Asgard to fall. Every night she relived those battles and wondered what would happen if she'd reacted differently? She punished herself for not being able to recognise the evil-Thor Odinson as a fake, if she had been his true friend she should have known it was not him who attacked her, if she'd known, she would have fought him without hesitation and without hesitating maybe she could have saved Asgard. She looked at her hands, Mjolnir nestled in its crater, waiting to be held aloft. [b][i]"Whosoever holds this hammer ... if she be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor"[/i][/b] Her breath caught in her chest and for a giddy moment she wondered if she'd utterly lost her mind, with the small portion of her brain which she still had some ability to control, she urged the muscles in her arms to contract, her fingers to hold tightly ... It moved. Out of nowhere, the sky filled with heavy, dark brooding clouds. The barren desert became soaked with spontaneous rain showers and thunder struck the crater Tarene stood in. The prongs of lightning licked across her body and the hammer, but she didn't burn, it didn't even hurt. Her arms tingled and she managed to draw her gaze to her forearms, silvery scales shimmered into existence along her arms, materialising out of the very lightning itself that was striking her. Her worn out Asgardian armour, that had been in need of repair since Ragnarok, began to restore itself and change before her eyes. She felt her heart thunder against her chest and a strange sensation swept through her body. She lifted Mjolnir higher, now it was above her head and the pillar of lightning that shot down upon her bled into the hammer. As quickly as the thunder had appeared, it suddenly dissipated and Tarene found herself standing as she had done moments before in the crater, except Mjolnir was no longer lying in a crater, it was in her hand. [i]"I am the Mighty Thor, Goddess of Thunder."[/i] All the past mistakes ... her failures, she would undo them all and correct those faults that haunted her dreams. From this moment forth, she was Thor, the Mighty Thor, and she was going to save this realm. Somewhere, far far far away from the desert, scientists shouted to draw the attention of their colleagues. [i]"Massive anomaly in Oklahoma ... Sudden spontaneous electrical surge ... readings off the scale ... unexpected radiation spikes in a virtually barren region."[/i] Various secret service organisations all found their attention drawn to the same location, a number of these secret operations had access to satellite technology and they honed in on that spot, getting a clear visual of Thor's face and body and the hammer. The manhunt would begin to capture this unusual specimen. If she was another mutant, they had to assess her powers, if she was some kind of non-human creature, they had to catch her, study her, understand her. Most of all, a number of interested parties wanted to capture her to harness her power. The readings from the spontaneous storm were astronomical and she'd stood at its core and escaped entirely unharmed. [i]"Find that woman, bring her to me."[/i] [indent]Stonehenge, United Kingdom March 21st, 2005 Midnight [/indent] Thor felt strange, she felt all of Thor-Odinson's power surging within her, she could feel instincts she didn't know existed, the hammer was like an extension of herself and she [i]knew[/i] how to use it, it came as natural to her as breathing. She flicked her wrist and the hammer began to spin from the strap, like a propellor and she threw it. She didn't know where exactly she was going, how to control her direction, somehow Mjolnir managed to fill in the blanks, it bent to her command, and it corrected itself if it moved ever so slightly off course. She landed with a steady "thump" on her feet and found herself in Stonehenge. It wasn't quite London, but she knew Stonehenge was significant, it was here that Thor Odinson's ally Erik Selvig, had unravelled a number of clues about the Convergence before Odinson battled Malekith. Though there was no sign of Selvig here now, Thor knew that she was certainly getting closer, at least she was closer than when she was in the middle of the desert. From here she'd find her way to Selvig and he would help her find out more. She needed to learn more about this realm if she were to do it any justice and Selvig was a man that Odinson had trusted, and thus, he was the only man she was willing to trust, for now at least.