[hider=Boez Cris] [center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1499/2493f3c4a75ff9649764607bc9129fb033d4b6c9.jpg?1571095[/img][/center] [color=00a99d][b]Name[/b][/color]: Boez Cris [color=00a99d][b]Age[/b][/color]: 19 - [color=00a99d][i]Height & Weight[/i][/color]: 5'4", 135 lbs (162 cm, 61 kg.) [color=00a99d][b]Crew Position[/b][/color]: Soon-to-be Musician [color=00a99d][b]Place of Origin[/b][/color]: Chantant Island, West Blue [color=00a99d][b]Personality[/b][/color]: Scourge of the West Blue and all around ne'er-do-well, Boez Cris is the kind of young man that seemingly can't keep himself out of trouble. Whether it be wooing the wrong governor's daughter and getting bounty hunters sent after him or accidentally destroying some poor old man's bar after consuming a Devil Fruit, Cris seems to fall into these situations purely at random, and has a tendency to curse his very existence whenever he finds himself in a bind. When he's not running away from militias or swindling locals for his next meal ticket, Cris is just a guy who loves the thrill of adventure and conveniently managed to eat his way into sufficient enough power that he can generally punch pirates in the face before they run him out of town, or worse, put a bullet in his chest. Though his roguish nature and willingness to join a pirate crew solely to escape his outstanding bounty just goes to show that Cris may or may not be a bit of a soloist. [color=00a99d][b]History[/b][/color]: Born to unassuming parents on Chantant Island in the West Blue, Boez Cris had a relatively stable upbringing. From a young age he showed both great interest and incredible skill in the musical arts. From singing, to the harp, to the piano, Cris naturally took to any instrument he touched. Around the age of five, he picked up his first guitar at a local tavern. He loved the sound so much that he abandoned all other instruments and focused solely on the six-stringed hunk of wood. His prodigious talent with musical instruments and vocal orating and natural charm made Cris quite the popular young lad with the ladies on his home island. One night, when he was performing at the local watering hole that had essentially become his second home, Cris' eye caught an unnaturally beautiful young woman who's name turned out to be Reid Marianne. After a night of passion, Cris found himself in the odd predicament of waking up in the nude to see a number of muskets aimed at him with an angry father ([i]that[/i], he was used to) yelling at the top of his lungs. Wishing his companions farewell and leaping from the second story window, Cris managed to escape his pursuers by stowing away on a commercial trading ship. Thus began the legendary tale of the Scourge of the West Blue! Slowly but surely, Cris began to etch out his own story across the West Blue; such as when he managed to swindle a drunken pirate captain out of not only a sizable amount of Berries, but a devil fruit that Cris subsequently ate and discovered was the all too fitting Sound-Sound Fruit, though his encounter with the sobered captain the next morning was less than pleasant, as it resulted in the destruction of the tavern he had become a patron of, which resulted in him once again being run out of an Island, though this time he did manage to secure passage to a nearby Island on a transport vessel. It was here, on Bairin Island, that Cris first became aware of his outstanding bounty, as only a week or so into his stay on the island, he was approached by a group of rough and tumble looking fellows that claimed to be professional bounty hunters. The ensuing scuffle resulted in a dead chicken, several burst eardrums, some poor woman losing her clothing, and a rather furious cabbage merchant. Once again, Boez Cris made a spirited escape by taking advantage of some poor sod's inability to guard his vessel! Yes, it was a magnificent day when Boez Cris, the greatest pirate to ever sail the West Blue, set sail from port in the Lady Luv, the damnedest dinghy you ever did see. Sadly enough, Cris had the misfortune of landing on an island that functioned essentially as a rather large marine base. Though he managed to stay anonymous for a few days with clever disguises and a penchant for stealth, he was eventually caught with his hand around a mug by a stuffier pair of marines in the local watering hole. Half-drunk, Cris was halfway to jail before one of his captors spoke up about the bounty on his head. Realizing that he wasn't in for just a night of sobering up in a cell, Cris managed to take one of his new-found acquaintances hostage before alarm bells rang throughout the village. His fourth escape in almost a year, Boez Cris has once more set out to find his destiny, and hopefully an island without any bounty hunters or marines. And maybe some good beer. Considering he doesn't know spit about navigating, Cris has done a surprisingly good job making his way towards the Grand Line. The bad part? He doesn't know he's heading towards the Grand Line [color=00a99d][b]Devil Fruit[/b][/color]: Paramecia, Oto-Oto no Mi (Sound-Sound Fruit) [color=00a99d][b]Fighting style[/b][/color]: True to the name of his Devil Fruit, Cris' method of combat involves producing and manipulating sound-waves for a number of purposes, from amplifying the sound of his voice or guitar to such an extent that it can almost destroy a friend, or foe's, eardrums to simply hitting someone over the head with a guitar and sending them flying with the ensuing "sonic boom". As he's only been a Devil Fruit user for about a month, Cris has yet to fully gauge his abilities and just what he can do with them. Why he thinks he's ready to enter the Grand Line is anyone's guess. Cris is also able to utilize his devil fruit powers outside of combat for a number of reasons. Most notably, Cris is able to mimic any sound he has heard though either his voice or his guitar. This can cause comedic effects when Cris can essentially act as a one man band by playing his guitar in such a way that it sounds like an entire ensemble with a female singing voice coming seemingly from nowhere. He has also shown the ability to 'throw' his voice across an unspecified distance in order to communicate with others that are out of earshot. The drawback to this, however, is that the other party has no way to communicate with him. Cris is currently unable to use any form of Haki, as he has been pirating for the paltry length of about two and a half months. [color=00a99d][b]Bounty[/b][/color]: [img]http://i.stack.imgur.com/0mvFAm.gif[/img]3,519,000 for the following crimes: [list] [*]Deflowering the daughter of a World Noble (Chantant Island) [*]Numerous counts of Underage Drinking (Various Islands across the West Blue) [*]Destruction of Public Property (Hapu Island) [*]Commandeering a private vessel in the form of a dinghy (Bairin Island) [*]Evading Capture at Gita Island [/list] [/hider]